Destination India

Free Destination India by Katy Colins

Book: Destination India by Katy Colins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katy Colins
finished work?’
    ‘Yep, nothing gets past you, does it!’ He smiled as Shelley walked over holding two pints of cider. ‘Oh hiya, Shelley, how are you?’
    ‘Ah, it’s Mike right?’ Shelley asked, carefully placing the pints on the rickety table. Mike nodded. ‘It’s great to see you again; God, the last time was at Georgia’s launch party, wasn’t it?’
    ‘Time flies hey?’ Mike laughed.
    ‘You can say that again; so how’s little Cole doing?’
    ‘Great, thanks. He’s slowly learning the joys of using a potty.’ Mike grimaced and sat down sloshing some of his pint on the floor as we moved our chairs around the table. ‘Anyway, what are you both up to? Georgia, you never come in here!’
    ‘Well we’re off to India tomorrow so thought we’d get in the mood and have a quick drink,’ Shelley said proudly. I still hadn’t told anyone; it wasn’t like when I jetted off backpacking round Thailand last year. This trip was purely business. Get in, find Nihal, sort out the problem and get out again.
    Mike’s eyes widened. ‘Whoa, Marie never told me that. How exciting!’
    ‘Yeah, it was kind of a spur-of-the-moment thing,’ I said, not adding the fact that we’d been pissed on expensive, super-strength rum at the time. ‘Is she about?’ I craned my neck around the empty pub to try and track down my best friend.
    ‘She’s just dropping Cole at her mum’s; we’re having a night off from scooping up poo and wiping wet patches from the floor, thank God.’ Mike laughed and glanced at his watch. ‘She should be here any sec –’
    Right on cue, Marie walked in – her green eyes darted around the gloom of the pub until they found us. ‘Oh my God, Georgia!’ A huge grin broke on her face as she ran over and squeezed me tight. ‘You never come out; what are you doing here? I haven’t heard from you in ages.’
    I winced. ‘I’m so sorry I’ve just been …’
    ‘Busy, yeah, yeah, I know. Well the odd text back would be nice,’ she said before shaking her head. ‘Anyway, how are things?’
    ‘Marie!’ Shelley’s voice boomed making Marie jump. ‘How you doing, chick?’
    Marie almost stumbled back in surprise. ‘Shelley, what are you doing here? I thought you were going round Europe?’
    ‘Yeah, I was. Managed to Interrail round a few places but then Manchester sort of stole my heart.’
    ‘Yeah, Manchester and Jimmy,’ I teased.
    ‘Ben’s best mate? The beefcake?’ Marie asked.
    ‘Yep, that’s the one.’ I laughed.
    ‘So what are you up to? Having a girly night in the pub together?’ The question was light enough but I could sense Marie bristling slightly.
    ‘Yeah kinda. We decided to sod the packing and come and get a few drinks in us in preparation for tomorrow.’ Shelley grinned.
    ‘Packing? Tomorrow?’ Marie repeated.
    ‘Did Georgia not tell you? We’re off to India!’ Shelley wrapped her arm around my shoulder and squeezed me.
    ‘India?’ Marie echoed. I nodded. ‘Ah, great,’ she said in a tone that sounded very un-great. ‘No, erm, she didn’t say.’
    Shelley didn’t pick up on the faux-friendly tones and continued to babble on. ‘Yeah, flying into Delhi and then maybe have a little trip around, take in the sights, head over to Bollywood before catching some sun on a beach in Goa.Lord knows this Aussie bird needs a good dose of vitamin D.’ She laughed, rubbing her freckled forearms.
    Mike stood up to give Marie a peck on the cheek and a small glass of wine, which she almost necked in one.
    ‘You … you’re going to Bollywood?’ Marie faced me.
    ‘Pretty cool, huh?’ Mike chipped in.
    Marie turned to him. ‘So you knew about this?’
    ‘Only just heard before you got here, babe,’ Mike said, putting his hands up defensively and making a speedy exit back to the bar, mumbling something about buying a bag of pork scratchings.
    ‘Right, great, well I hope you have a fantastic time,’ Marie said through gritted teeth. Shelley must have picked up

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