The Same Deep Water

Free The Same Deep Water by Lisa Swallow

Book: The Same Deep Water by Lisa Swallow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Swallow
shines brightly in the cloudless sky. “Shame. I wish it was raining.”
    “You’d rather wait in the rain?” I ask in surprise.
    Guy smiles beneath his mask and keeps his gaze on the stars. “Your list. Number five. As your travelling companion, I’d be happy to oblige.”
    Kiss in the rain.
    My heart skips at his directness. “You want to kiss me?” I whisper.
    “Purely for bucket list purposes.”
    “Take your mask off.” Guy unties the mask and slides it from his face. His hair sticks up on one side and I study him. I need to know the truth behind Guy’s words and the situation.
    “That’s the only reason?” I ask.
    Guy reaches to touch my cheek, drawing a finger along to my jaw, watching the path it takes before looking back to me. “No.”
    The sensation of his finger remains when he removes his hand, and I fight and fail against appearing to be a stupefied teen. “Oh.”
    “You don’t want to?”
    I shift my leg away from his. “Might not be a good idea.”
    “I’m not sure… It’s just…” I grapple for words. “I like being friends.” As soon as the lie is out, I cringe.
    Guy purses his lips, his disappointment clear. “I suspected so. You’re very protective.”
    “Protective.” He folds his arms beneath his elbows. “Is one of the reasons because there’s somebody else?”
    “I told you there wasn’t.”
    “Is the reason because I’m going to die?”
    I reel at the interjection of death into our conversation, but Guy’s face is impassive. The words are nothing to him. “No. Not unless my kiss will kill you.”
    “Maybe your kiss would do the opposite.” I attempt to equate the man sitting with me to the casual Aussie bloke who took me for a tattoo, and realise I forget the depth in his eyes.
    “Most guys – men – don’t ask permission before trying their luck,” I say with a small smile.
    He laughs. “I think you want to kiss me too, but I think sometimes, the princess should call the shots.”
    “You’re putting me in control of this?” I ask and stand.
    Guy stands too and looks down at me. He slides my mask upward, into my hair. “To a certain extent, yes.” He rests his fingertips on my lips, and I shiver. “But I like to be in control as much as you do.”
    “Some things we can’t control, can we?”
    “Some things we think we need to when letting go is better.” He shifts closer. “So you’re telling me that I need to ask? Okay…” Guy touches my lips. “Will you kiss me?”
    “I don’t know if I can.”
    “Or do I have to kiss you?”
    I have no idea what to say, shaking from the slightest touch, denying the desire I have for this strange man who I want, but could never stand to fall in love with and lose. Breaking his gaze and the intensity of the moment, I dip my head.
    He sighs. “No problem, I’ll keep my lips to myself.”
    “Until it rains.”
    “Until it rains and then do I have permission?”
    He gives a small shake of his head. “Bloody Perth summers. Can we go to Melbourne, there’s more chance you’ll kiss me there?”
    I could kiss him. Now. Here. We’re seconds away; all that’s needed is one of us to take the step. A step to Guy and back into the deep water.
    A taxi appears nearby, and with it the excuse to break this before I throw myself into Guy’s arms and lose myself in the fantasy of the handsome prince who rescued me almost three months ago.
    “I’ll call you tomorrow, Belle,” he calls as I head to the waiting car. “And see you next week for the next item!”

    Chapter Ten
    #9 Ask A Stranger On A Date
    Guy doesn’t contact me the next day. Or for several more. This is unusual because we talk at least once every couple of days.
    On the second day, I send him a text asking if he’s okay and receive no response.
    Did I upset him that much? If this is because I wouldn’t kiss him, I’m glad I didn’t. Guy’s looking for somebody whose shoes I

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