The Sheik’s Captured Princess (The Samara Royal Family Series Book 4)

Free The Sheik’s Captured Princess (The Samara Royal Family Series Book 4) by Elizabeth Lennox

Book: The Sheik’s Captured Princess (The Samara Royal Family Series Book 4) by Elizabeth Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox
and giving him clues to her romantic nature. 
    By the end of her discussion, he was convinced of two things.  First of all, she wasn’t a spy – at least not for her brothers.  The jury was still out on whether she was a spy for the rebels.   But he was convinced that she really was working on a doctoral thesis.  And secondly, she was brilliant.  She’d understood not only the theological aspect of each of these places but also analyzed the social and cultural norms of the people that visited the sites, analyzing their ages, the village populations, the historical significance of the areas as well as the religious sites, pulled in architectural evidence and tied all of it together into a concise, simple explanation. 
    When she’d finished, there was a long silence that filled the room.  She’d finished her first glass of wine and was halfway through her next, completely unaware of him filling the glass once more. 
    “So what do you think?” she asked with a bright smile, her brown eyes alight with her enthusiasm over the subject matter as well as an avid listener. 
    He watched her, noticed that her smile dimmed ever so slightly with his silence.  She genuinely cared about his opinion and he wanted to tell her that he was impressed, but….
    She shifted in her seat, distracting him with her long, sexy legs.  “I still have to write up my theory, but will it work?  Does it have merit?”
    Ciala held her breath while she waited for his response.  He’d asked so many questions during her explanation, many of which she’d easily answered but her mind was absorbing the other questions, trying to put them into the overall work she’d already done. 
    “Let’s have dinner,” he said and took her hand, pulling her up and leading her into the next room which was just as beautifully decorated as the first one. 
    Ciala was startled by the abrupt change in subject and looked behind her at all of her equipment with longing.  She wished she could just pack it up, tell him a polite thank you and walk out the palace doors, never to see the man again. 
    She followed and tried very hard to keep her eyes from noticing how very nice his rear view looked as he led her through to the dining room.  His butt was definitely none of her business, she told herself. 
    She looked back one more time at her equipment, trying to focus on her work and not the extraordinary physique of the man beside her. 
    He noticed her longing look and, thankfully, misinterpreted the glance.  “Don’t worry about that,” he commented.  “No one is going to steal any of it.”
    Ciala jerked her eyes back to his, shocked that he’d noticed where she was looking. But then she caught his glance and felt her cheeks turn warm.  He wasn’t talking about his butt!  He was referring to her camera and lenses, all of her disks!  Good grief, she sighed as he held the chair out for her. 
    He sat down across from her and, when a servant arrived, she realized how hungry she was.  She’d been too nervous this morning to eat breakfast, knowing that she was about to face this man again.  And she hadn’t had the ability to eat lunch on the short flight over either. 
    “Are you hungry?” he asked.
    “Famished,” she replied quickly, looking at the salad that was placed in front of her with a grimace. 
    She heard his laughter and looked up.  “There’s more food on the way,” he told her and picked up his salad fork.  “So tell me how you came up with the idea for your thesis,” he asked. 
    They continued to discuss her work over the meal and she got in a few questions back to him.  Overall though, the conversation was him asking her questions and her answering them.  She was very careful in her replies, not wanting to reveal too much about herself.  She wasn’t sure why, but she didn’t want this man to know her too well.  Maybe it was because he had too much power over her anyway or maybe it was just because she was a

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