Bastian: A Secret Baby Romance

Free Bastian: A Secret Baby Romance by Lauren Landish

Book: Bastian: A Secret Baby Romance by Lauren Landish Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Landish
thinking of going up there this weekend to check out the campus."
    "That sounds great, son," Donald said around a mouthful of pork and vegetable hash. Yeah, my mom's Paleo kick was still going strong. I didn't mind, I loved meat, and ever since getting pregnant, my body cried out for more meat and fat than ever. "When are you thinking of leaving?"
    "Well, there's an event up there Saturday that I wanted to go to, nothing big. So I was thinking I might leave Friday afternoon. Cassie, would you like to come along? They've got a good political science department."
    "How nice of you to offer," my mother said. "You know, I haven't said anything about it to you, but I think it's great how you two are getting along so well recently. You two used to really go at it. What happened?"
    "I guess I just saw how great of a girl she is," Sebastian replied, slipping me a wink when our parents weren't looking. "That's if she doesn't mind being stuck with me for the weekend??"
    "Oh no, it sounds like fun," I replied, trying not to jump up and down clapping in joy. "What should I pack?"
    "Well, what you normally wear is just fine, but I hear there's a great restaurant up there that I would love to check out. They require at least business level wear, so if you have a favorite dress that you want to bring, we could probably get reservations."
    Did my stepbrother just casually ask me out on a date? It was weird, we'd been lovers for months, and in a de-facto exclusive relationship for just as long, but this was our first real date. It's just something we couldn’t afford to do around here. Our faces were known, and we just didn’t want the risk. I could feel my heart speed up, hammering in my chest.
    "Okay, but no high heels," I said, trying to play it casual. "I'd like to enjoy my dinner, not worry about my ankles."
    "No problem," Sebastian replied, smirking. We both knew I loved wearing high heels, especially when I went dancing. "How about that red dress you have? I think it looks nice on you — goes well with your hair."
    "Careful son," Donald joked. "You let her out in that thing, and you're going to have half the men on campus chasing her by the end of the weekend."
    "Oh, don't worry about it Donald," I replied, taking another bite of my breakfast. My plate was empty, and I was still hungry. "I'm sure Sebastian will protect me from anyone who gets too forward. Is there any food left?"
    After breakfast, I hurried upstairs to get my things for my first class of the day. Sebastian, as was normal with his schedule, had his first class after lunch, so I met him on the stairs to our floor, dressed in his normal workout attire, although he did wear a tank top for the staff's benefit until his workout started.
    "You sure you'll be able to protect me?" I joked, surreptitiously giving his arm a squeeze. "I mean, I wouldn't want anyone to take advantage of me."
    Sebastian's answering growl send shivers down my spine, which he noticed. "You know I wouldn't let anyone touch you."
    "I know," I whispered before hurrying downstairs and heading off to class. All day, Sebastian's throaty growl played in my mind, and by the time my last class was over, I was a dripping mess of arousal. Rushing home, I was so frustrated to find that he wouldn't be home for another three or four hours that I thought of just locking myself in my room and masturbating. The only problem was, Sebastian's such a good lover that masturbation, even with toys and other implements, just didn't do it for me anymore. It would be like offering a starving person a single cracker when they knew a filet mignon was coming later.
    Instead of releasing my tension that way, I turned my attention to exercise. Using an off-campus anonymous clinic, I’d started prenatal visits with a doctor, who said our baby was developing fine. He also said that while I was in fine shape — exercise would actually be good for the baby — something about helping my body adjust to the hormonal surges or

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