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Book: Kidnapped by Maria Hammarblad Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maria Hammarblad
really wanted, and she glanced into his eyes, mumbling, "Take me to bed."
    The next morning, Travis managed to sneak out of bed without waking Patricia. As much as he appreciated her company, there were things she might be happier not knowing, and the transmission waiting from Central was definitely one of them. He stood in the darkness on the bridge, watching the transmission with his arms crossed over his chest, unaware of the frown on his face.
    "Travis, I hope for your sake you have some good news about your prisoner and the rebels. I have work for you to do. Head to Central at once, or I'll have your computer do it for you."
    The beautiful woman bent forward and poked a finger towards the camera, but the rest of her words were lost on him. He knew the gist of it: if you fail me I will punish, blah, blah, blah.
    "Are we taking the prisoner to the Supreme Commander?"
    The computer's voice shook him back to reality, and he sank down in his chair, hurriedly pulling up star maps and information about the Redeemer. "She's not a prisoner. You can report we're returning to Central, we'll just be taking a detour."
    He no longer had any urge to pursue the Redeemer; the burning need to catch William had been the Alliance's and not his own. His prime objective had changed, and he wouldn't be doing any more killing for the Alliance, but he still set out after the other ship with a quiet determination. Time had grown short and he needed to talk to William.

    Chapter Ten
    A couple of weeks later, Travis stood on the bridge, looking out at a jungle hot enough that moisture steamed up from large purple leaves. It had only been a few minutes since they landed, and the vegetation already wanted to reclaim the clearing the ship had made. Vines were reaching out for them, and  he would have to use the ship's weapons to cut them off if they were ever to get out of there.
    He hadn't told Patricia why they were there, or about the immediate threat to her future. Keeping up appearances hadn't been difficult; he had a lifetime of training.
    The door behind him opened with a soft swoosh, but he didn't turn around. It could only be one other person, and she would come to him. He smiled when he felt Patricia wrap her arms around him from behind, but it faded when she peeked around him at the alien vision outside, saying dreamily, "It's so beautiful."
    Sighing softly, he supposed it was in a way, but the thick forest was also filled with deadly traps just waiting to snap shut around a young woman, and he knew he wouldn't be able to say no if she wanted to go with him. She hadn't been on more than one planet besides her own, and that one had ended with her almost being blown up, so he was certain she'd want to go. Maybe they could take a short sight-seeing trip to satisfy her curiosity before he went to do what he had to. He could use some reconnaissance. That might not be too bad.
    Putting his hand on top of hers, he gave them a little squeeze and asked, "You want to go, don't you."
    She was pressing her face against his back, and he could feel her nod. "Mmhm."
    He sighed again, and turned around to look at her. He wanted to tell her to stay on the ship, but her will was his law, and he couldn't make himself utter those words. Instead, he heard his mouth say, "You'll do exactly what I tell you to, right? No touching anything?"
    She nodded obediently and he raised an eyebrow. As angelic as she looked, he didn't believe her.
    A few minutes later, they made their way out of the ship hand in hand. He felt the wall of heat and humidity when the door opened, but didn't care about it. Patricia, on the other hand, swayed a little, and he saw little beads of sweat form on her forehead. "Are you okay? Would you like to go back inside?"
    He hoped she'd say yes; bringing her into an alien jungle filled with strange animals and insects might not be the best idea he ever had. She shook her head a little, "Naah, I'm fine. This

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