Cheerleaders: The New Evil

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Book: Cheerleaders: The New Evil by R.L. Stine Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.L. Stine
sweatshirt underneath. “The skating’s a little rough because of the snow,” he said. “You’ve got to use a lot of leg power. Watch.”
    He went into a crazy dance, thrashing his arms over his head as his legs kicked back and forth. “Whooooa!” He let out a long cry as he fell heavily and slid several feet, almost knocking Heather over.
    â€œNice move, Landers!” Heather called to him, skating around his outstretched body. “Get some training wheels!”
    Corky was laughing too hard to help Jay up. “Are you okay?” she finally managed to ask as he skated back beside her.
    â€œFalling down is my hobby,” he replied, straightening his cap. “I love it.” He brushed snow off his jeans. “Where’s Alex?”
    Corky slapped at the snow on the back of his jacket. “I don’t know. He said he’d be late.”
    She caught a gleam of excitement in Jay’s eyes. “Then you can skate with me,” he said eagerly.
    Corky laughed. “No way! I don’t have your style!”
    Jay let out his high-pitched giggle. He took her arm. “Come on. I’ll skate normal.”
    â€œWhat’s Alex’s problem anyway?” Corky asked.
    Jay reacted with surprise. “Huh? What do you mean?”
    â€œWhy has he been acting so weird lately? I mean, he never seems to be around.”
    She watched Jay’s cheeks redden. “I don’t know,” he replied. “Really.”
    He’s lying, Corky decided. Jay knows what’s going on. But he’s being a good friend to Alex. He doesn’t want to tell me.
    â€œHey—Gary!” Jay cupped his hands around his mouth as he shouted across the ice to Gary Brandt. He turned back to Corky. “Listen, I’ve got to talk to Gary. Let’s skate later—okay? I mean, if Alex doesn’t show.”
    He blushed again.
    Does Jay know where Alex is? Corky wondered. Is Alex off somewhere with another girl? Is that why Jay is so uncomfortable?
    â€œYeah. See you later,” Corky said. She watched him skate away.
    The clouds lowered and the sky darkened. The wind sliced off the ice. The cold crept into Corky’s body.
    Leaning forward, she skated slowly away from the others. Her legs felt heavy, as if her dread were weighing her down.
    The time is getting close, Corky realized. The time to draw out Ivy and all her evil.
    The ice stretched ahead of her. A sharp gust of wind pushed at her.
    The music faded. Turning back toward shore, Corky saw that she had skated far out. Maybe I’ll keep skating and never turn back, she thought.
    Just skate away, skate forever.
    She suddenly felt dizzy. The ice tilted up in front of her.
    â€œOhh.” She shut her eyes and slowed to a stop.
    It’s Ivy, she told herself. Thinking about the evil inside Ivy is making me dizzy.
    She leaned down, lowered her hands to her knees, waited for the dizziness to pass.
    And as she waited, she heard the soft, steady sound of skates cutting into the ice.
    Turning toward the sound, Corky saw the dark figure sliding rapidly toward her. She straightened up. Blinked.
    Am I seeing things?
    No. She was staring at a Santa Claus.
    The wind ruffled his bushy white beard. His long red cap waved behind him. His eyes—his eyes glowered menacingly at Corky.
    â€œHey, Santa!” she cried out as she saw him raise hishand high over his head. And then she saw the shiny dagger clasped in his hand.
    No, not a dagger. A long, pointed icicle. Sharp as a dagger.
    No time to move. No time to skate away.
    Only time to scream as the Santa uttered a fierce grunt and started to lower the icicle to her throat.

Chapter 14

    C orky stumbled, raised her hands as she staggered back.
    The icicle fell from the Santa’s hand and shattered against the ice. The Santa grabbed Corky to stop her fall.
    â€œI’m sorry,” he said. “Are you

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