Passion Overseas: A Billionaire BWWM Holiday Romance
looking up at him.
    “ Hands,”
he said in a soft voice. She raised her hands over her head and he
tied one of her wrists in the tie before he fastened it to one corner
of the bed. She sighed in pleasure as he secured her other hand to
the other bedpost. It was at this moment she cursed the fact that he
brought her to bed without putting a t-shirt on her or something. He
held each breast in his hand and smiled.
    She sighed as he
kneaded her breasts gently. It was the most perfect feeling she knew.
Her nipples were pressing hard against the palms of his hands and he
was loving it. She knew he was because she could feel his cock slowly
graduating from being limp, to a semi-hard on to a fully functional
full blown erection. She looked at him and he moved lower on the bed,
releasing her breasts. He held each ankle and pulled her down on the
bed making her gasp. He looked at her and slowly brought his hands
up, running his fingers up her thighs. She looked at him and bit her
lower lip. She had never been in a bondage situation before but she
had also never been so scared yet so turned on at the same time. She
looked at him as he spread her legs. He looked at her already moist
pussy and felt himself getting more excited. He didn’t want to
get ahead of himself. Something was telling him to just forego
everything and get inside her. He began lowering himself to her
center and suddenly the familiar music of a Skype call interrupted
the peace of the moment.
    “ Ignore
it,” she said in a whisper.
    “ It
might be important,” he said.
    “ It’s
probably Emily. I’ll call her back,” she said. He raised
his head and that’s when he saw that her iPad was still dark
screened on the nightstand. She rolled her head to the side and saw
that her tablet was lying quietly on the stand. “It’s
you. Probably the office,” she said.
    “ I
can call…” he started but she crossed her legs.
    “ Handle
it,” she said. “Besides, it’s not like I’m
going anywhere,” she added. Daniel was already having a hard
time, literally, keeping a straight face with his raging hard on. He
could feel every fiber of his being screaming at him to stay as he
climbed off the bed. He grabbed a bathrobe from the bathroom and put
it on before he walked into the living room where he had dropped his
bag the previous night. He pulled the iPad from the bag and sure
enough, it was his office calling.

Chapter 7
    “ Lena,”
he said when he answered the call. “It’s almost seven in
the morning here. It must be really late to still be in the office,”
he said as he looked at the environment around Lena. He knew it all
too well. It was the board room.
    “ Mr.
Reese, hi. We didn’t want to disturb you this morning…
or last night for you,” Lena explained.
    “ Very
considerate of you,” Daniel smiled.
    “ I’m
here with Malone Ericsson from R&D and I have also conferenced in
Elena Gordon,” Lena started. Daniel raised an eyebrow. He had
no idea who Elena Gordon was.
    “ Elena
who?” he asked. He noticed a smile on Lena’s lips.
    “ The
new CFO,” Lena said. Daniel rubbed his temple.
    “ Oh.
I’m so sorry Mrs. Gordon…” he started.
    “ Miss.
I’m sorry to cut you off,” Elena said.
    “ It’s
okay, Miss Gordon,” Daniel said.
    “ And
your lawyer is also here, Mr. Reese,” Lena said.
    “ Dude,
you owe me for being here this late,” Daniel’s lawyer
    “ I’m
in a bathrobe. So consider your debt paid. So guys, you did not stay
in this late for nothing. What do you have for me?” Daniel
    “ I
looked up the last designs for the coffee makers and like we had
suggested earlier, the designs were indeed plagiarized, for lack of a
better word. “
    “ What?”
Daniel asked.
    “ It
looks like the designs were approved by Jerry, the former head of the
R&D’s design department. But anyone with an internet
connection and access to Google could find out that the design was
originally our competitor’s,” Malone

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