Highland Hope (Wild Thistle Triology Book 1)

Free Highland Hope (Wild Thistle Triology Book 1) by Madelyn Hill

Book: Highland Hope (Wild Thistle Triology Book 1) by Madelyn Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Madelyn Hill
expressing concern of her sister’s whereabouts. Aye, they were a good clan, caring and willing to lend a hand when there was need, and loyal to her father, mother, and now her. Except the council, blast their hides.
    Bannock buns, porridge, and rashers of bacon flooded the tables in the main hall. Her stomach rumbled knowing Nora and Honor had nursed her back to health with broth and mayhap some soaked bread. Yet, she’d have nothing to break her fast this morning. Luckily, she’d sipped a bit of the chocolate before leaving her chamber.
    “They’ve begun searching the outer bailey and even past the palisade.”
    “Grand.” Hope turned at the smooth tenor of MacKerry’s voice and took in his handsome face. He looked rested, blast him, and clean in his tartan and white liene . ’Twas amazing how a bath transformed a man. She watched him take a slow drink of his ale. He wiped the foam from his lip with the back of his hand as his eyes sparkled with mischief. Why was he so happy on such a dire occasion?
    She cocked a brow at him. “And why aren’t you helping them?”
    “Ah, weel, I came back when a lad said you had awaken.” He smiled. Dimples pierced his chiseled face. It was something short of heaven and just endearing enough for her to grant him the pleasure of her company. Damn him.
    His brow quirked upward. “’Twouldn’t be seemly if I was to leave without my betrothed, when she has finally left her sick bed.”
    Summoning a look of displeasure on her face, Hope nodded. “Or your laird. We need to make haste. Faith is bent on adventure and mishap always accompanying it.”
    He nodded. “Since there was no sight of her yesterday, I kenned we needed your help.”
    “Aye, I usually know where she’s hiding.”
    MacKerry chuckled. She frowned as she tried to block the soothing sound from her thoughts. This man was befuddling her in the most aggravating way. If she didn’t guard herself, she’d be lured in by his charm and strong, good looks.
    “From what I could gather from the clansmen, she does this often. Mayhap, she is hiding in the caves.”
    Hope’s gaze snapped up at him. “How do you ken the caves?”
    “Just what the clansmen told me. Come, let’s find your sister. The sooner we look, the sooner she is safely in the keep.”
    She tossed a scowl his way and headed out of the main hall.
    Aidan marveled at the children and clanswomen who clustered around their laird, as they made their way to the bailey. A little ruffian ran forward and grabbed onto her arm. “Laird MacAlister, watch me toss me stone,” he begged as he jumped up and down.
    “Aye, Tadge. I’ll watch ye and then I have to look for Faith.” Each word was said with a motherly kindness, which surprised Aidan. Her smile seemed to enthrall the lad, and Aidan as well.
    They stopped and watch as the boy struggled with a large stone and catapulted it from shoulder height. A brave effort, Aidan had to admit. Tadge would be a fierce lad for sure.
    Hope clapped and patted the boy on his tawny head. “What a braw man you’ll become. I’d want you to lead my men anytime.”
    Redness stained Tadge’s cheeks with pride as he ducked his head.
    “We best search for your sister.”
    “I ken, MacKerry.” Hope continued toward the gate that led outside the palisade. “Men are already searching for her.”
    He hid a grin at her agitation. In the days to come, he’d surely vex her more and more, as his plan unfolded with the help of the council.
    “Did ye hear what the laird said?” he heard the lad brag, “she said I’ll be braw enough to lead her men.”
    The appreciative comments from the other children brought a grin to his face. Aidan glanced at Hope to confirm she’d heard the admiration from the lad. A satisfied gleam in her eye indicated she had. But he also noticed strain around her mouth and eyes. Her injured arm lay against her side. He stepped toward a few women folding laundered clothing. He took one of the pieces of

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