Amour: Historical Romance (Passion and Glory Book 1)

Free Amour: Historical Romance (Passion and Glory Book 1) by Samantha Kaye

Book: Amour: Historical Romance (Passion and Glory Book 1) by Samantha Kaye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Kaye
embarrassed to meet his gaze. The baron furrowed his brow in bewilderment.
    “No room? Really, my dear? Have we all this space and no quarters suitable for so few guests?”
    Nicolas stole a glance at Francis. How disappointed he seems! Everyone was getting on so well. I should hate to be the cause of my brother’s unhappiness . It was not in the chevalier’s nature to accept reversals without challenge, nor to act in opposition to the dictates of his character. He found the baronne’s machinations wholly unacceptable and as he had professed earlier in the library to the vicomtesse, when faced with adverse circumstances, he had the will and the character to try and reverse them.
    “Monsieur de Salvagnac, might I trouble someone to show me the way back to the stables? We had sent instructions for our horses to be prepared for travel some time ago, but I’d like to check on them myself.”
    The baron acceded to this request, though he still did not like the idea of his guests departing so late. The roads from Cap Français to the interior were not altogether safe at night. Brigands and escaped slaves often prowled the roads at night in search of victims of opportunity. To be prudent, a sizeable escort of men would need to be sent along to accompany the departing guests, which as host, he would bear the responsibility for.
    “Certainly, Monsieur d’Argentolle, if you feel it necessary. I’ll have someone accompany you at once,” the baron said.
    The baron rang a small bell and an attendant appeared almost instantly in response to the auditory summons.
    “François, see the Chevalier d’Argentolle to his horses.”
    Nicolas bowed his thanks to his hosts.
    “It has been an honor, Monsieur de Salvagnac, Madame de Salvagnac, Mademoiselle de Salvagnac, Mademoiselle de La Bouhaire.”
    With a nod to his father and brother, who both regarded him with suspicious interest, Nicolas then turned and followed the enslaved servant François out of the room, unable to resist a final parting glance toward Sérolène, who watched Nicolas depart with great reluctance. Frantic he should leave so soon, and on such terms, she too decided to seize her chance.
    “Uncle, Aunt. I’m afraid I’m very tired. Might I also be excused?” Sérolène asked.
    The baron offered his clean shaven cheek for the vicomtesse to kiss, always happy to indulge his niece in almost anything she wished.
    “Of course, my dear niece. How inconsiderate of me to have kept you up so late. You may take your leave of our guests and retire for the evening.”
    Sérolène performed her parting courtesies with as much haste as decorum would allow, and then left by a separate entrance from the one Nicolas had taken. As soon as she was out of sight of the others, she removed her shoes and ran headlong down the hallway in an attempt to head Nicolas off before he exited the main house on his way to the stables. She used the back corridors to her advantage, skidding several times as she raced across the polished hardwood floors. She arrived out of breath at the end of the hallway which opened into the back courtyard, across from which lay the path to the outer courtyard and stables. She waited in silence under the stairs, concealed by the darkness of the rising stairway. Her heart galloped in her breast, every nerve on edge as she listened for voices and footsteps. At last she saw François coming down the hall toward her, Nicolas trailing close behind him. Sérolène hoped fate would be kind and François would stop far enough back from the doorway that she would not be discovered.
    Nicolas detected a vague but familiar odor of lilacs as he reached the end of the hallway. He smiled to himself, then spoke to François in an effort to attract his attention and also to prevent him from going any closer toward the staircase.
    “Through this door?”
    “Yes, Maître ,” the enslaved servant replied.
    “‘Monsieur will do well enough. I’ve no need to be the master of

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