Hacienda Moon (The Path Seekers)

Free Hacienda Moon (The Path Seekers) by Kasonndra Leigh

Book: Hacienda Moon (The Path Seekers) by Kasonndra Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kasonndra Leigh
experiencing it in person.
    Saul moved closer to her, leaned in and said, “With all due respect, Ms. Harrison, I don’t think I’d make an awful lot of fuss about having a dream like that. Somebody might get the wrong idea.”
    And he was right. She already had people accusing her of being a witch, even going so far as to confront her without saying a word in introduction. Even New Yorkers weren’t that bold.
    “I do appreciate you taking the time to stop by Mr. Che--Saul.”
    He beamed a grin that lit up his face so that his entire aura seemed to radiate sunshine. With his thin top lip, pouty bottom one, and a smile that swam in his bright blue eyes, it wasn’t hard for Tandie to see exactly what Freida meant. A person like Saul probably won business deals and the hearts that gave in to his conquests on a regular basis.
    “Where are my manners?” I should invite you in. I mean, this is still your house,” Tandie said, feeling exposed under his iron-tight gaze.
    “Actually, I wanted to ask how things were going for you two,” Saul said. Tandie made a light laugh.
    “What is it? What’s funny?” he asked.
    “Nothing. It’s just the way you talk about the house. I feel like I should be telling you about a new relationship rather than talking about repair issues,” Tandie said. “I guess you could say it’s coming along, but very wet in the process.”
    “Well, getting a little wet every now and then can be interesting, with all due respect, Ms. Harrison.” The most devilish-sexy grin she’d ever seen played across his lips, making her face flush. This time, Tandie lowered her eyes. “I do apologize for embarrassing you.”
    Is there no shame in this man’s game? “I’m not embarrassed,” Tandie lied, working hard to refocus her thoughts. “I take it you got my messages about the leaking faucets?”
    Sighing, he looked disappointed. “I did. The contractor finally accepted my offer. He’ll start in a few days. I apologize for taking so long to get back to you.”
    “You apologize a lot,” Tandie said.
    “That’s because I’m a southern gentlemen. My kind is rare.” He bowed his head a bit.
    “Okay. Feel free to be even more humble if you like,” Tandie said. “Besides, my grandmother always told me that actions speak louder than words.”
    “Why, Ms. Harrison--”
    “Call me Tandie. Ms. Harrison was an old woman somewhere who wasn’t even related to me by blood.” They both shared a laugh at her reference to the joke he made the day they first met.
    “All right, Tandie. Allow me to demonstrate your philosophy. I’d be honored if you’d accompany me to the Governor’s Dinner this Saturday.”
    Tandie’s smile faded, a surge of dread rushing through her. “I’m not sure--I don’t know about a date. Going out with the rent man is like bagging the boss. Is it not?”
    Holding back a smile, Saul took one step closer.  “Then don’t consider it a date. Call it a pre-requisite for a landlord who wants to make sure that his best girl is in the right hands.” He glanced around at the house before moving his amused gaze back to her. “You can’t hide behind her walls forever.”
    “I’m not hiding,” Tandie said, scoffing.
    “Then I’ll pick you up at 6pm. Oh, and wear something that’s royal blue,” he said, turned around, and headed toward his car.
    * * *
    Tandie studied her manuscript, flipping past the missing twenty pages for the hundredth time. Many thoughts cluttered her mind. Even though Saul’s bold demand bothered her, she still found herself mentally scanning her wardrobe. The last time she wore anything remotely close to sexy was at the Aeneid the other night. A part of her felt guilty about accepting Saul’s offer; but then, she snapped back to reality. She was a single woman now. Get over it, already.
    Tandie stretched, stood up, and headed outside.

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