Caught Inside
just couldn't happen. Trey was the type of man who could own
my soul, make me yearn for things I have never yearned for, and I
had come too far to think he was worth it. No, I will convince
myself once again, that no man is worth heartbreak, and my career
is everything to me. However, a small part of me fought the
feelings of what if as I remembered the way his hand stroked my
hair. The way he kissed my neck and stroked it lightly with his
fingers as he looked into my eyes telling me I'm beautiful, that I
mattered to him. He had said those words as if they were a
convincing announcement of 'I love you' will come next. He said
everything, but those three little words strung together that meant
so much, and I even felt the need to say it back, and didn't. It
was if we both were being reserved in our feelings but holding
absolutely nothing out when it came to the physical act.
    The weight of his naked arm over my
hip and the feel of his hand holding my leg, keeping my body close
to his felt exquisite and a feeling I could get used to. The feel
of his strong naked body behind me had me reeling with thoughts of
how this could not continue any further than it had, yet I wanted
this feeling to last more than ever. Perhaps even, to have this
feeling again, waking more mornings than I wanted to count with him
naked behind me, holding me, reassuring me that this was
    I knew that I had to get real. It is
three in the morning, and I had work to do before flying out to
Japan on Monday. I had a busy full week ahead, and Bill was to meet
me at the airport for his first social engagement in Japan, a
dinner with the executives. I needed to impress this account and
having a reputable man next to me that could work a room with me
was what I needed. Not some boy toy ex-surfer that looked good
naked. Scratch that, looked fucking spectacular naked, and knew how
to make my body react to his sexual skills.
    I tried to think of how this could
work out but all I ended up envisioning was a laid-back surfer
boyfriend who saw me as a casual great lay and maybe a means to an
end if he so chooses. I felt my heart pinch with love on my last
orgasm and the way he knew to respond to my body after by holding
me, caressing me, kissing my neck and telling me how great that
just was. It was almost like we just made love. And that word,
didn't have a place in my career right now. That word came with
complete new objectives that constituted distraction and lost
sales. Not to mention the fact that I did not have time for a man
like Trey. From the sounds of it, he was always on, always doing
something, surfing, gardening, kayaking, swimming, snorkeling,
scuba diving. You name it, he seemed to have done it and done it
well enough that he was in the news.
    Yet somehow, he was able to keep this
escort service he was providing a masked secret. Even his partner,
Zachery was off the radar. If anything impressed me most, was the
fact that this business was building on secrets alone. That thought
irked me that it was so unbelievable that women, corporate women
like myself, needed services like this to make our social scene a
bit easier. However, I could not go around thinking that it was my
job to change the world and their viewpoints. That would come in
time. I could not help but to think about how Trey and Zachery went
about getting all of this started and then a thought began to build
as a quiet internal laughter let loose in my head. Of course, what
else would two retired surfers who look like they do, do? They took
their personal social skills and good looks to the next level. They
saw a need and filled it, discretely I might add. That in itself,
said something about Trey and his business skills. Perhaps I was
judging him a bit too harshly.
    My mind wandered back to the naked man
in my bed. Trey. With the body and energy that he has, it would
only make me want to spend more of my time doing exactly what we
just did last night.
    I would like to think we were

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