The Day Human Way

Free The Day Human Way by B. Kristin McMichael

Book: The Day Human Way by B. Kristin McMichael Read Free Book Online
Authors: B. Kristin McMichael
against a ruler wasn’t punishable by exile. Her brother had been wrong in what he did.
    “I don’t belong there anymore,” Keaton explained. Nessa saw Keaton in a whole new light. She would have never guessed a noble would want to stay in the outcast camp, yet here he was. “I belong here. These are my people now.”
    Nessa looked up at the village Devin had created. It was different than the palace. The houses were stacked together, some even on top of others and a few up higher in the trees. Nothing separated the clans, and people milled about with whomever they chose. Devin had even created a small market that had a few people setting up shops. He could combine the sidhe that were all outcasts for not fitting into the normal sidhe way of life. That was what Devin was there for. This was his purpose.
    “The barriers extend around the outcast camp. Maria set up a second set to keep out witch magic. We don’t know who’s doing this, or who their target really is,” Devin told Keaton. “Make sure that everyone knows the boundaries, and that no one else can come in here. We don’t need the other sidhe seeing this yet, and I want everyone to stay safe.”
    Keaton nodded to Devin. He seemed as intent as Devin in protecting all of those around them.
    “We’ll be back as soon as we can,” Devin told him.
    Keaton gave him a small bow of his head before turning back to the village.
    “You don’t think they’re safe here?” Nessa asked as they walked to the edge of the village.
    “I’m not sure if you were really the target on this one,” Devin replied. “It could have been me. Everyone knows that I can heal the sidhe. Someone could have put the spell on them hoping that I would try to heal them quickly and kill them in the process.”
    Nessa stared at Devin. She hadn’t thought of that. She assumed that with more people plotting, and magic being thrown around, it was to stop her ascension to the throne. Everything in the sidhe world was about power. It made more sense to attack Nessa than Devin to get it, unless someone else already figured out that Devin was walking around like the king.
    “In that case, should you be entering the palace with me?” Nessa asked. She didn’t need Devin to be even more of a target than he already was.
    Pausing, Devin thought for a second. “You’re right. I should keep my distance. Maria and Cassie are shielded and invisible outside the outcast village, but I guess I should be careful also,” Devin replied.
    Nessa was in shock. She was surprised to find that Devin would even consider himself in danger. Nessa looked him over. Was he feeling okay? Was there something he wasn’t telling her?
    Devin smiled at her. ‘I spent a summer with the witches. If someone truly can use their magic, then we are all in danger. I can’t act rashly with that on my mind.’
    ‘ But you have my grandfather’s power,’ Nessa replied. She had been raised to dislike the day human witches, but she was never given a reason why she should.
    ‘ And though his power is great, it’s not infallible. If I don’t stay safe, there’s no guarantee I can keep you safe. They might just be trying to get rid of me to get to you,’ Devin explained.
    “Nessa is going to head back on her own,” Devin told Cassie and Maria. “We will follow close behind, but I need to keep as hidden as you two are. I can hide myself from the sidhe, but not the witch. For that, I’ll need your help.” Maria nodded and dug into the bag around her shoulder.
    Nessa turned to go, but paused and glanced over her shoulder at Devin. Was it safe to be bringing him back to the palace if someone was trying to kill him? For the first time, she was feeling what he must have felt all along. No wonder he learned how to control the magic shield he could create. Nessa was wishing that she could make one for him, too. It wasn’t fair that he was protecting her still when it might be his life on the line this time.
    Reaching forward,

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