All About The Tempo (BWWM, Celebrity, Billionaire, Pregnancy)
bumping into her on purpose. He was being playful but it was based in truth; he wanted to be as close to her as possible as often as possible. Her laughter tinkled out like beautiful crystal bells. He loved making her laugh.
                  The commercial ended and they sat together, watching themselves accept their award. They'd collaborated on an entire new album in the past year but were waiting to go into the studio until the baby was a little bit older.
                  After all, they had all the time in the world.
                  "Congratulations on the award Wife."
                  "Congratulations Husband."
                  He leaned over to kiss her temple and whisper in her ear.
                  "Let me tell you a secret. I don't really care about awards anymore. Everything I need in the world is right here."
                  He kissed her, pulling away her glass. He was hoping they could make another baby on the couch. They had yet to christen it.
                  Just then the baby monitor let out a squawk.
                  He rolled his eyes in mock frustration as she pushed him away.
                  "You are just going to have to wait Husband."
                  "You better make it worth my while."
                  She laughed.
                  "Don't I always?"
                  He followed her to the nursery with a big grin on his face. He wasn't too worried about her making it up to him.
                  She always did.

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