Dead Life (Book 4)

Free Dead Life (Book 4) by D. Harrison Schleicher

Book: Dead Life (Book 4) by D. Harrison Schleicher Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. Harrison Schleicher
Tags: Zombies
co-pilot's seat. The pilot had several maps in the cockpit and I went over them while I filled him in on everything that had happened that night. He told me that just as we got to the chopper he heard a voice over the radio saying, “see you in Fort Leonard Wood”. At the time he thought it was one of us. Now he realized it was the doctor. The thought of that bastard following us all the way to Missouri made me sick. Not only would we have to battle our way through what was in front of us we'd have to constantly be watching for him coming at us from behind.
                  “Did you get all that John?”
                  “Yeah I heard. Let's hope he goes full zombie soon and forgets all about us,” he replied.
                  “Well if he doesn't I've got first shot at killing him,” Lily added. “That fucker had his hands all over me. Speaking of which, is there a shower on this thing Lieutenant?”
                  “Yes there is. It's right outside that door where the machine gun's mounted.”
                  “I'll use it later. Right after you,” Lily said.
                  “Maybe we could go together, save water,” he replied.
                  “Alright you two that's enough,” I said. “Let's get back on task. We're coming up on a city. That's not Birmingham is it Lieutenant?”
                  “No sir. That's probably Hoover. Birmingham is just north of here.”
                  “I didn't think it was, it's too small.”
                  We were flying low trying to stay off any radar General Simmons might be using to try and track us. Up ahead the heavily wooded terrain we had been flying over gave way to a more rural setting. I could see farmland in the distance. As we approached a house in the middle of a field of corn attracted my attention. It wasn't so much the house but the hundreds of zombies that surrounded it that drew my interest. I had the Lieutenant fly in for a closer look. On the roof three people stood waving frantically to get our attention. A fourth stood at a hole in the roof fighting off the zombies that were trying to get at them.
                  “John, Lily get ready. We're going to do an extraction,” I said into my headset. “Take us down Lieutenant.”
                  “We don't have a hell of a lot of fuel left, Captain. Make it fast.”
                  “Just get us down there. I'll talk you in.”
                  I hurried to the back of the chopper. John and Lily already had the door open and were in the process of throwing out the rope ladder. The chopper had a winch but none of us knew how to operate it so we would just have to make due with the ladder. Our pilot lowered us as far as he could on his own and I talked him in the rest of the way. The Chinook is a big chopper. It makes a lot of noise and moves a lot of air. The sound of the rotors drove the zombies on the ground into a frenzy. The backwash from the spinning blades nearly knocked the woman and two small children off of the roof. John stood by the ladder and Lily manned the big gun. I stood next to her and could barely hear her yelling for the man to get away from the hole in the roof. Of course there was no way the people on the roof could hear her if I could just make out what she was saying standing right next to her. I was talking the Lieutenant in and motioning for the man, who I could now see was swinging a shotgun at the heads of the zombies that were trying to climb through the hole and onto the roof, to get away from the hole. He finally looked up and saw me just as one of the children grabbed onto the rope ladder. The man crouched down and crab walked toward us. John got hold of the first little girl and Lily opened fire. The big gun cleared the hole in a matter of seconds. Then a thought occurred to me. I tapped her on the

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