This Could Have Been Our Song!: A coulda woulda shoulda ballad

Free This Could Have Been Our Song!: A coulda woulda shoulda ballad by Danielle-Claude Ngontang Mba

Book: This Could Have Been Our Song!: A coulda woulda shoulda ballad by Danielle-Claude Ngontang Mba Read Free Book Online
Authors: Danielle-Claude Ngontang Mba
it would be a quick job after all. One week, one song down. And what a hypocrite – she loves Georges Michael! But it all went ape shit after that.
    It started with Lucia, who apparently took a vow of silence, in my presence only I might add. She was more than vocal when it came to anyone else. She has been telling Matt to go to hell more times that I can count, and negotiated the deal with the famous G band ’s musicians to come and record with album with us. I still can’t believe she booked them; I’ve tried for years but they’re always too busy. But G band comes with a price at least for me. Lucia wanted to make some sort of acoustic album. I didn’t – one of many reasons I don’t pair up when I work; I don’t like to consult with anyone, especially another producer. Lucia didn’t want to do my style of music at all. She would show up on time to our brainstorming sessions with one of her guitars. Yes, she plays the guitar and she plays it beautifully. She would always show up with a basket of freshly baked foods, from lemon meringues to chocolate éclairs. I don’t think there’s a dessert she cannot bake. How do people in this building stay thin? She would bring a plate in the room with us and all I could hear was her typing, the music she was listening to or sometimes her playing some notes on her guitar. She called it “research”, European pop research. I called it avoidance and a not very mature attitude. We haven’t been able to clear the air since the meeting and with the G band arriving early next week, we would really need to get our act together. At the end of the sessions, she would actually give me her notes or lyrics. Two weeks of that led to five complete songs, when it could have been ten. But at least we were getting somewhere. That was when Matt got involved and ruined it for all of us. He hated the demos and refused to even try to record them. After a solid week of fighting and skimming in the studio, Lucia got Beesly to record one of her song as a solo. Then it was back to the drawing board but this time on our own; we just sent each other our work when we were ready to meet Lee. Another week and six more songs; Matt came back with the same attitude and intimidated Beesly enough for her not to even consider recording without him again. They (meaning “he”) would consider the songs if the demos were recorded with a better voice. Lucia has been kind enough to do the demos, take after take, change after change, so we can be ready when those two come to town every other week. I had got to give Lucia some credit; she took the abuse and washed it off. Besides, she has an amazing voice. And it fits her acoustic approach, which had been growing on me. Just like her, even with the silent treatment, which has been getting harder and harder to keep up on her side, I’ve been killing with kindness, or at least I thought it was.
    So here I am today, auditioning for backup singers that we will also use for demos. An extra cost that would be added to the band ’s bill not the Noël-Sarrow’s. Matt wasn’t happy about it, but Lucia was very pleased with herself.
    She ’s still not here. I check my phone for messages again – nothing. No, wait, my email inbox has something. An email from Lucia sent about an hour ago.
                   Subject: Today’s audition
                  Dear Marcus,
                  I apologize for the late notice but I moved the auditions to this afternoon at three thirty pm and tomorrow. Matt called me out of the blue last night to say that he wanted to be present. They’re flying from LA this morning.
                  Kind regards,
                  Lucia Mpobo-Riddell
    Right. Once again, Matt gets involved. I write back:
                  Dear Lucia,
                  I just saw your email. Don’t you think ringing me would have been easier? But I guess it would have involved you

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