Demigod Down
informed me smiling smugly,
crossing her arms over her chest and leaning back righteously in
the chair.
    Not moving my body forward, I smiled flashing
my flat white teeth, “How is your nose healing?” I whispered.
    Fear made the blood leave her face, but she
was quick to recover. “It isn’t my fault she got herself knocked up
before the wedding.”
    My hand rocked out against her cheek,
whipping her head to the side with a satisfying crack. Turning to
me, she was horrified to feel a thin tendril of blood seep down
from her bottom lip.
    She turned to Logan, “Are you going to let
her get away with this?” She screamed at him.
    Logan shrugged, “She warned you.” He
answered, mouth full. “Not my fault you didn’t listen.”
    “You are supposed to protect me!” She hissed
as the door opened and the other two shifters brought in a tearful
Kass eating a cookie.
    They rumbled dissatisfaction and annoyance as
they gently set Kass down next to Grams at her original seat,
treating her gently.
    I smiled at her. “You okay?” I asked.
    She nodded, “Hormones.” She shrugged. “Olie,
this is Jeff and Kent. Darren and I met with them a few weeks ago.
They are the reason we are here today.”
    “Here I thought it was to feed me.” I
answered, smiling gently trying hard to forget about the annoyance
that was Lorraine.
    I cast a look toward Darren who had murder in
his eyes at the mistreatment of his fiancé.
    Jeff and Kent moved to the other side of
Logan and Lorraine to sit down awkwardly as Lorraine glared at me.
“If you will, excuse me,” she hissed at Logan slammed up from the
table. “I have to fix my face.” She said, hitting my chair
forcefully as she left the room.
    Kass leaned over the table and shoved a
cookie in my mouth. I bit down pinching my lip, my shoulders ridged
as I turned to Kass. “Well played,” I said, my mouth full.
    She smiled as Darren took her hand across the
table. “You are beautiful,” he said to her beaming with pride. “She
is an idiot.”
    Kass sighed, taking another bite of cookie
while casting an annoyed look at Logan.
    Grams cleared her throat. “Let us finish our
meals,” she heaved a sigh, “than we can get back to business.”

Chapter 6
    Food and dessert was quickly polished off. I
sat next to Grams drawing a long breath as Logan dragged Lorraine
back into the room. Bitch.
    “The next issue for us to discuss is the
wedding between Logan and Lorraine,” Grams said with a forced
smile. “Let us begin.”
    Lorraine scoffed and it took all my will
power to keep from reaching across the table and slamming her head
into it.
    The pen in my hand however suffered a brutal
fate as I rubbed the ink on the clean paper in front of me.
    “Let’s start with a budget,” Ali suggested
behind me, passing me a wad of napkins.
    Arms crossed and glaring at Logan, the
she-monster answered. “I shouldn’t have a budget. I’ve seen the
packs finances.”
    “Pack finances are not available for personal
use,” Darren said from the end of the table.
    “It’s a pack wedding,” Lorraine said, glaring
daggers at him.
    Turning, I looked at Grams tapping her pen
against her unblemished paper. Feeling my eyes on her, she shrugged
as if to say “What the fuck?” At least that’s what she said in my
    “A wedding is a personal event. If it was a
pack event, than the pack would be responsible for paying for every
wedding that had ever occurred within the entire U.S,” I replied,
foolishly thinking the problem was her understanding.
    “I am the future alpha’s mate!” Lorraine
demanded. “I am owed an impressive wedding for marrying him.”
    My mouth was hanging open. I knew it was, but
my brain couldn’t wrap around that last sentence and so I repeated
it. “You think that because you are marrying Logan, who granted is
a pain in the ass, that the packs, who work hard for their living,
owe you a lavish wedding?”
    “Yes,” She hissed at me.
    Nodding, I leaned back in

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