Claiming Their Royal Mate: Part One

Free Claiming Their Royal Mate: Part One by Andie Devaux

Book: Claiming Their Royal Mate: Part One by Andie Devaux Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andie Devaux
can’t help notice how sexy her rescuer is, and things go from warm to scorching hot.

    B ut Nicolas lives alone on the mountain for a reason. And his secrets may be more dangerous to Evie than the cold.
    B roken Prime is currently available on Amazon , or continue reading for an excerpt.
    E vie Lane refused to die at twenty-one.
    Panic pushed her pace to a jog, but though the whited-out landscape flew by faster, nothing looked familiar. Snow continued to fall, and she cursed loudly, blinking back tears that threatened to burn their way down her cheeks.
    So stupid to tell the others to go ahead on their snowshoe trek. The sun had been out, the cabin smoke clearly visible in the sky, and she hadn’t realized there was zero cell service to be found. If she’d done what she’d said, taken a few pictures and caught up with her friends a little ways down the trail, things would have been fine. But she’d gotten distracted. Found a few shots she couldn’t resist. Decided to wait a little longer until the sun was perfect in the sky, providing just the right angle to the light.
    And then the sun disappeared.
    The storm rolled in so quickly, she’d barely noticed the first cloud on the horizon before the entire sky blotted out. She’d trudged on, even as snow started to fall, in the same direction the other girls had gone. When it got too dark to really see where she was going, she’d relied on their trail in the snow. Then the fresh snow piled high so fast that the trail disappeared, and she wasn’t even sure she was headed the right direction.
    She forced a deep breath, then shivered violently. The air was cold, and her feet colder. She’d lost a glove at some point when she was still taking pictures, and her pocket didn’t seem to do much to keep out the chill.
    Exhaustion seeped into her as she slowed to a walk.
    “Help!” she yelled—or tried to. Her voice was wispy and thin after hours of calling out for her friends.
    She crumpled in front of a tree and leaned against the solid wood, putting her face between her knees.
    So tired.
    The angry howl of the wind around her seemed to insulate her from the world, and for a while, time stood still. Regret filled her. She should have listened to her parents, gone with them to Europe. Might have been stressful, watching them try not to fight in front of her the whole time, but it would have been safe. Heck, she could have stayed at the dorm, used her break to study.
    She’d wanted an adventure.
    “Hey. Hey?”
    Someone shook her, dragging her back into reality. She opened her eyes. The area around her was almost as dark as the one behind her eyelids. But she could make out a form, large and human-shaped, kneeling in front of her.
    “I’m going to pick you up. Take you somewhere warm.”
    Her mind moved slowly, and it took a few moments before she comprehended his words. But before she could nod in reply, the man had swept her into his arms and was moving. And either her perception was really messed up because of the cold and her freezing state, or the man moved fast .
    C heck out Broken Prime on Amazon .

Sneak Peek of The Interview
Office Party Part One
    F aith Wilson needs a job —badly. She’s willing to do anything she can to secure a position with Lawrence & Associates. But when she’s told the job involves satisfying her coworkers and clients in every erotic way the boss deems necessary, she hesitates. But a little time in Mr. Lawrence’s office convinces her to throw caution to the wind and give it a shot.

    B ut while the boss directs the show, he won’t touch her—not until she’s passed all of his tests. Faith thinks Mr. Lawrence might be worth the challenge, and she’s determined to make him desire her as badly as she wants him.

    T he Interview is an erotic short story with light BDSM elements. It involves a hot encounter between multiple male partners with one female interviewee (MFM) who is about to have her limits explored. It is not

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