Child of Time
ascended being dead?
    “Kendra dear, I had to wait for Kiyan to awaken
before I could escape the dark universe. I only managed to find him
yesterday. It takes time to transfer one’s self through the
dimensions. I'm sorry you thought I was dead. I promised you I
would return. I told you that I would come back to you someday.”
Prometheus seemed to be trying to calm Kendra.
    Kiyan was puzzled over a few things, an ascended
being dead? A dark universe? He had saved Prometheus? If Prometheus
or Theo as Kendra was calling him was his father and he and Kendra
were in love as it appeared then Kendra must be....... Kiyan was
rocked to his core. He was the child of two ascendants, the most
powerful ones in the known worlds. Things began to make sense now.
His powers, why Kendra cared for him like she did, how he had been
able to do the impossible and reverse time. Sucking in his breath
he forced himself back into reality. Upon leaving the library of
ages, he could no longer sense Kendra or Theo.
    Kiyan was recalled to the present by Jeremy’s
exclamations of awe over Corban’s aerobatics. The air bender was
flying circles around Ray. Observing Corban he felt the air as
Corban bent it to his will, how it supported him and obeyed him.
Kiyan was so fascinated by what he was able to learn of airbending
from observing Corban that he didn't even notice Fred and Addy’s
    When they reached the glow woods, Addy began spinning
a net in the tree. Corban twisted the air and settled down lightly
on a limb. Kiyan noticed Corban's hands begin glowing with a white
light before he put his hands on the tree. The branch began growing
and reinforcing Addy’s net.
    “Your hands, they were glowing, how did you do that?”
Fred asked inquisitively.
    Corban stepped back and almost fell out of the tree,
making a mental note about growing some railing he answered. “Only
life mages can see life energy. You should be too young to be able
to sense it. What color was it?” He had to be sure, if Fred had
seen something else maybe some of his firebending perhaps, instead
of life bending. Corban didn’t recall having fire bent but it was a
more likely explanation.
    “It was white.” Kiyan answered.
    “I didn't see anything” Jeremy said.
    The weight of his assignment began to dawn on Corban.
This was indeed no ordinary job. Two life mages at the age of
twelve. Observing Jeremy informed him that there was nothing
ordinary about the third boy in his charge either. Corban couldn't
remember ever having seen a young waterbender glowing with so much
energy. Strangely Kiyan was nearly invisible. Traces of color
appeared before melting away. It was almost as if Kiyan had not yet
developed an elemental affinity. Even more strange was that Corban
recognized the traces of color to belong to several if not all of
the basic elements. Fred glowed a deep shade of green. This was
going to be some adventure.
    Corban had time to collect his thoughts as he
followed the boys on their cave adventure. He was only slightly
surprised when the group met Draxos in the cave.
    That night Kiyan couldn't get to sleep and decided to
watch the stars. Getting out of his hammock and quietly going to
the edge of the platform he paused when he saw someone there
already. Going ahead and sitting down next to Addy, Kiyan looked up
at the sky enjoying the silence and thinking all that had happened.
Hearing some rustling Kiyan looked up in time to see Fred sit next
to him.
    “Addy told me what you did, Kiyan how did you know
she wanted to bond with me?” Fred whispered quietly.
    “I saw it happen before. You almost drowned, I
couldn't let that happen again.” Kiyan didn't want to have to keep
secrets from his friends, especially one with whom he had so much
in common.
    “What do you mean you saw it happen before? You mean
in a dream right, like a seer?” Fred was only trying to make sense
of what he was hearing.
    “No I have lived today twice, apparently I'm the son
of an

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