In The Garden Of Snakes (An Erotic Summer Tryst)
dribbled out of the corners
of my mouth to my breasts. I closed my lips around him, as he
continued to cum, filling me with an overwhelmingly salty flavor.
It was an effort to swallow and far tangier than I thought it would
be. He groaned repeatedly, his fingers massaging my scalp. A look
of satiety softened his face. “That’s so nice.”
    I swallowed and grimaced. “It tastes
    “You need some water?”
    “No. I’m okay.”
    “Come here.” We snuggled together, the sounds
of the party continuing outside. I had completely forgotten about
it. People were probably looking for us. He kissed my forehead.
“I’m going to enjoy this summer for once.”
    I glanced at him, melting. “You are?” I would
too, now that I thought about it.
    “I’m going to explore every little inch of
your body.”
    “Oh, yeah?” He nodded. “I’d like that.”
    “What about you and Carmen?”
    I shrugged. “I like her.”
    “I wonder how she’ll take it?”
    “She knows. I think Constance knows too.”
    “My marriage isn’t typical. We live in the
same house, but we haven’t been together in years.”
    “That’s what Carmen said.”
    “You wish what?” I leaned over him, greatly
interested in what he had to say.
    “I wish this wouldn’t end.”
    “It won’t.”
    “It will. You’re going to school at some
God-awful college.”
    “I don’t really wanna go there.”
    “Then don’t.”
    “I don’t have a lot of choices.”
    “Come live with us.”
    “Move in with us. With Constance and Carmen.
Go to school with Carmen.”
    “In the city?”
    Excitement raced through me. “I…can’t do
    “Why not?”
    “My parents would flip. I can’t afford NYC
    “I’ll help pay. I’ll talk to your parents.
They let you come here for a month. Why wouldn’t they let you go to
a first-rate school?”
    “Constance would never go for it.”
    He shrugged. “What the fuck would she care?
She does her thing; I do mine.”
    “Are you serious?”
    “What would people say? They’d talk.”
    “They’d think you’re an exchange student or
something. What does it matter? You like Carmen, she likes you; I
like you. It’s a win, win situation.”
    The door to the room opened. “I knew it! You
are so busted.” It was Carmen. She tossed her mask on the floor and
jumped on the bed. “It smells like sex.”
    Joseph covered himself with a sheet. “Haven’t
you ever heard about knocking?”
    “Like you knocked this morning?” He looked
vaguely penitent. “You’re missing the party. Roberta’s roaring
drunk, and she’s singing Karaoke.” She leaned in. “Kiss me, lover.”
I touched her soft lips, and she licked me with her tongue. “You
taste like sperm.”
    Omigod! This is so awkward!
    “I’ve asked Jessica to move in with us.”
    “Whoa. Like at home, after the summer?” He
nodded. “What did she say?”
    “She hasn’t said anything yet.”
    Carmen’s eyes sparkled. “That’d be so
amazing, if you came to the city. I’ll share my room with you.”
    This had to be the strangest situation I had
ever gotten myself into. The two people on the bed were my lovers,
and they were related! Weird! “Um, I’m thinking about it. My
parent’s are gonna freak.”
    “Yeah, they will.”
    “It’s up to Jessica,” said Joseph. “If she
wants to go to school in the city, she can.”
    “I haven’t been accepted to any of those
    “That can be worked out.”
    Carmen put her arms around me. “It would be
so awesome, if you came to live with us.” Her face was in my neck.
“I get to sleep with these boobies every night.”
    I stared at Joseph, feeling an overwhelming
sense of tenderness for him and for Carmen. “You people are
    He nodded, smiling. “We are.”
    “What if it doesn’t work out?”
    “Then you do what you want.” He touched my
face. “You’re a little slice of heaven, Jess. Can you

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