Swimming with Sharks

Free Swimming with Sharks by Nele Neuhaus

Book: Swimming with Sharks by Nele Neuhaus Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nele Neuhaus
police officers said. He seemed impressed. “Most people quickly move on when they see someone in trouble. Besides, those guys could have been armed.”
    “But they weren’t.” Alex looked at her watch. “Can you take this lady home? I have to pick up my shoes and go home.”
    “Please!” The woman grasped Alex’s hand again. “Please come with me! I live on Park Avenue, not far from here. Our driver can take you home from there, so you don’t need a taxi.”
    Alex hesitated. She didn’t want to be celebrated as the Great Rescuer. After the police took more information, and sent a squad car to track down the muggers, Alex was surprised to discover that she had rushed to the aid of world-famous opera singer Madeleine Ross-Downey. She decided to get into the police car after all, which took them to 1016 Park Avenue. Alex knew the area because Sergio’s apartment was in the building right next to the Downeys’. Park Avenue between Sixtieth and Eightieth Streets was the finest and most expensive area in the city. The rich and powerful lived in large, historic buildings that would better fit a gorgeous Paris boulevard. This elitist microcosm was shielded from the poverty and desperation of East Harlem, just a mile away. Security personnel and private bodyguards made sure that Park Avenue was just as secure as a small town. The doorman of 1016 was shocked when he saw the battered Mrs. Ross-Downey climb out of the police car. She was past the initial shock, and she assured the worried doorman that she was fine.
    “Is it all right if I leave you here, Mrs. Ross-Downey?” Alex asked.
    “Oh please, call me Madeleine.” The opera singer gave her an unsure smile. “And please, come upstairs for a moment. My husband wouldn’t forgive me if I failed to introduce him to the woman who rescued me.”
    Alex was curious about the apartment and Madeleine’s husband, Trevor Downey. The papers called him “Manhattan’s Department StoreKing,” the heir of the department-store chain with the same name. The two of them rode up in the marble-clad elevator to the third floor. The doorman had called upstairs, so Trevor was waiting in the open apartment door. He embraced his wife in both shock and relief, and she started to cry once again.
    When Madeleine regained her composure, she introduced Alex to her husband. Trevor Downey was in his mid-forties, and he had thin sandy hair and friendly brown eyes. They went into one of the salons, which was dominated by a massive fireplace, and sat down on soft leather armchairs. Trevor poured a glass of cognac each for his wife and Alex, which they both gladly accepted. While Madeleine eloquently described the mugging and Alex’s courageous actions, Alex looked around at the luxurious apartment. With its shiny wood floors, artfully illuminated paintings in splendid golden frames, and valuable antiques, it seemed friendlier than Sergio’s cold marble palace in the adjacent building. Through the opened wing doors, she noticed a snow-white concert grand piano in the neighboring salon. Trevor wrapped a wool blanket around his poor wife’s shoulders and stroked her cheek. It was obvious that the Downeys shared a deep love and respect for each other. Alex felt a sting inside that felt almost like jealousy. For the first time in her life, Alex sensed that money and success weren’t everything.
    “I can’t believe that I could be so careless.” Madeleine clutched her cognac glass with both hands. Her face was pale and tear stained, but she seemed to be fairly calm in her familiar environment. “Don and Liz, who went with me, wanted to take me home. But then I thought that a short walk wouldn’t hurt. When you live in such a protected world, I guess you lose your perspective.”
    Trevor put his hand on her shoulder.
    “The important thing is that nothing worse happened to you, thanks to your rescuer.” He smiled at Alex.
    “That was incredibly courageous of you, Alex!” Madeleine’s eyes

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