The Art of Ruining a Rake

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Book: The Art of Ruining a Rake by Emma Locke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Locke
her attempted fortitude. “Oh, Delilah, I simply couldn’t .”
    Delilah’s wide eyes filled with fresh tears. “My poor Lucy. No woman should be forced to endure what Mother did. And yet, you do love him. What an unenviable position.”
    “Truly?” Having one person grasp her dilemma made Lucy feel such relief, she sagged with it. “Thank you.”
    Delilah dabbed her face with the kerchief. “I don’t have to tell you how perilous your plan to seduce him was, and I do wish you hadn’t been caught. But… Dearest, he’s a marquis in the prime of his life. It’s expected you’ll come around to his offer. You must, or you’ll never be accepted.” She squeezed Lucy’s hand. A red flush mottled her face, betraying her welling emotion. Suddenly, the dam burst and Delilah sobbed, “O-one-sided affection is a m-miserable way to live. I wouldn’t w-wish it on anyone, let alone my d-dearest h-h-heart!”
    “Oh, darling, don’t cry.” Lucy flung her arm around her sister’s shoulders. They huddled together, drawing comfort. Just as they’d done so many nights in her bed at Worston, while Mama shrieked rubbish and smashed delicate objects against the walls.
    Reluctantly, Lucy released her sister. She breathed deeply and searched for a steadier voice. “The board demanded my resignation. I came here because what I most wanted was to see you, but I regret it already. Your lovely girls could be ruined simply by my stopping to take tea.”
    “Don’t say such things.” Delilah sent a pleading look to her husband. “Tell her we don’t care what the gossipmongers say. No one will force her to marry that cajoling, deceitful rake . She may stay here forever.”
    Mr. Conley’s massive shoulders hunched. His brow rutted as though he didn’t like disappointing his adoring wife. “Surely you see that’s impossible, my love. I’m not averse to scandal in general, else I wouldn’t have stolen you from under your brother’s nose, but all decisions have consequences. Miss Lancester’s will not be taken lightly. How do I guard my sisters from disgrace, if she is living under our roof?”
    Delilah’s dashed hopes made Lucy feel even worse for having come.
    “He’s right,” her sister said, turning to her. “Drat it all, you know that. But how can I be parted from you when you’re suffering so? I’ll visit you as soon as you’re settled.”
    Lucy planted an impulsive kiss on her sister’s brow. “You’ll be busy with the baby. Don’t fret over me. Living with Trestin isn’t the end of everything.”
    Delilah’s eyes rounded, perfectly reflecting Lucy’s misgivings. “Go to Worston? But you can’t! You’ll despise each other!”
    Lucy clutched her sister’s hands harder. Now wasn’t the time to reveal her intent to find a permanent home anywhere but under her brother’s rule. “I’ve left myself no choice.”  
    Mr. Conley cleared his throat. “Perhaps we can maintain a small cottage for you on the village outskirts.”
    More than anything else discussed, this embarrassed Lucy most. She well knew the expenditure required to keep a large household afloat. As if she could usurp a single coin from the many mouths who depended on him!
    No, she must lie in the bed she’d made, for richer or poorer, and very much alone. “Thank you, sir, but I knew the risks.”
    Her voice was small but resolved. She wouldn’t burden Mr. Conley more than she already had. She must think of another solution. One that didn’t include Trestin.
    Delilah rubbed her back reassuringly. “Stay with us through Twelfth Night. Word will take at least that long to reach these parts. Hempsted Heath is a wonderful place. You’ll see.”
    Mr. Conley stood. “Hempsted is that, and she may come here as often as she likes.” He paused meaningfully. “ After she marries Lord Montborne.”

    ALMOST TWO WEEKS after arriving in Devon, Roman still hadn’t found time to make his way to Worston Heights, as he’d promised Miss Lancester

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