The Art of Ruining a Rake

Free The Art of Ruining a Rake by Emma Locke

Book: The Art of Ruining a Rake by Emma Locke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Locke
her hostile toward Lucy. Too, the margin of independence Lucy might gain by avoiding Trestin’s rule would be lost in a bedchamber occupied by another stubborn spinster.
    Assuming Mr. Conley was even willing to risk his wards’ reputations for a sister-by-law he had never met.
    “It’s no trouble at all,” Lucy reassured her hostess, tucking the scandal sheet into her satchel lest it further provoke Miss Conley. “I’ve looked forward to this visit since the day Delilah eloped with Mr. Conley. So wonderfully romantic, don’t you think?”
    Miss Conley frowned. “I wish he’d gone about things properly. My sisters are still in the schoolroom. Elinor is especially impressionable.”
    Paxton edged around Miss Conley to set a tray on the table. Lucy indicated the economical service. “Tea?”
    Miss Conley’s lips pursed. “I have matters I must attend. Paxton can show you the way when you’re ready. Just pull the bell.” She pointed to a tattered rope hanging in the corner of the room. “Dinner is at five o’clock. The girls return from school at four. Do not feel compelled to dress for us. Even Mother doesn’t keep to convention.” Without waiting for Lucy’s reply, she left.
    Clearly, Lucy needn’t worry about Mr. Conley putting her on the stoop; Miss Conley wouldn’t hesitate to send her packing. The woman obviously had no patience for—well, much of anything.
    Before Lucy could dwell on that too long, she heard footsteps approaching the parlor.  
    Startled, Lucy clapped a hand to her heart. “Oh!” she said, turning to see her sister. “Ohhh…” she breathed, as Delilah instinctively cupped her rounded middle.
    Lucy was hurt. “You’re increasing ! Why didn’t you tell me? I would have sent gifts.”
    Delilah was instantly contrite. “One can never be sure until several months have passed, and even then…” She hobbled around the couch and threw her arms about Lucy’s shoulders. Despite being the lady of the house, Delilah smelled of lye and starch. “Christmastide seemed the perfect occasion to announce the arrival of our little one.”
    Lucy pressed her cheek to her sister’s cheek, then pulled back. “So soon! I hadn’t thought such a thing could be accomplished so swiftly.”
    Delilah settled beside Lucy. Even heavy with child, she was tall and slender, the prettier sister by far, though they both had the same brown eyes and black hair. She would have enjoyed a marvelous Season if not for her heart being promised to the apprentice blacksmith their brother had been dead set against. But she’d persevered, and her new life was exactly the way she’d always wanted it to be. Perfectly placid, enormously dull, and provincial to its core.
    “Pregnancy is wonderfully unplanned,” Delilah said with a laugh, taking Lucy’s hands. “Celeste’s taught you how it’s to go, hasn’t she? You must always be careful.”
    Lucy nodded slowly, staring at her sister’s rounded belly. Celeste, their brother’s new wife, had once been a courtesan. She had indeed explained the whole of lovemaking, including the importance of using a vinegar-soaked sponge to avoid unintended complications. Lucy’s clever apparatus was the reason Roman had immediately known she wasn’t an innocent party to her ruination.
    But Delilah didn’t know just how badly things had soured since Lucy had set out to seduce Roman. She would, and quite soon. Until she did, Lucy couldn’t feel comfortable here.
    A deep male voice boomed, “Where’s my love?” from somewhere inside the house.  
    Delilah pushed to her feet. “Mr. Conley is home!” she said as she went to the open parlor door. “You must be properly introduced.” Poking her head into the hallway, she called, “Darling, in the parlor. Do come quickly.”
    Lucy had but a second to muse that their brother would never have allowed such shouting in the house before Mr. Conley appeared and swept his wife into an embrace. Delilah squealed and

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