The Dark One

Free The Dark One by Ronda Thompson

Book: The Dark One by Ronda Thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ronda Thompson
Tags: adventure, Romance, Fantasy, Adult
making a final decision.”
    The disgusting man nodded, his jowls flapping with the motion. “Jolly good idea, Wulf. Maybe the young lady and I can jostle about together.” He grinned lewdly at Rosalind.
    â€œI don’t allow women to ride along when testing out the horses,” Armond intervened, casting the viscount adark look. “Too dangerous. I’m assuming you want them full-out, to see what they can do?”
    Penmore formed his fish lips into an obvious pout; then he nodded. He turned to Franklin. “But you’ll come along, won’t you, Chapman? I did want another opinion and see no point in having you accompany me if you’re not inclined to provide one.”
    â€œIt wouldn’t be proper to leave Rosalind alone,” Franklin said. “I’ll wait here for your return.”
    â€œI don’t mind staying here alone,” Rosalind spoke up. She longed for even a few minutes without Franklin breathing down her neck. And despite grisly thoughts of murder that kept entering her mind, she loved the smell of the stable and rubbing the horses’ velvet noses. It reminded her of the country and brought pangs of homesickness.
    â€œI’m sure Lady Rosalind will be fine,” Armond said to the men. “But if you’d rather come another day, Penmore, I understand. Perhaps the animals will still be available.”
    Penmore pouted his lips again. He turned to Franklin. “Come on, Chapman. She’ll be fine here while the rest of us have a short jaunt. I’ll tear up your markers from last eve if you’ll do me this favor.”
    The viscount had obviously made the offer too sweet for Franklin to refuse. He nodded. “Very well then. Let’s be off so we can get back.”
    When the men left the stable, Rosalind wanted to shout with joy. Finally, time alone when she wasn’t shut up in her room. She could breathe again; she could twirl in wild abandonment. Perhaps she could steal one of Armond’s fine horses and escape. She entertained the idea for only a moment. She had nowhere to run. She had no money with her, no food, no extra clothing. If she truly meant to escape, she would have to plan better.
    She returned to the horse she’d been petting, drawn to the Arabian’s sleek lines, her silky mane and soulful brown eyes. Rosalind wished she had her horse with her in London. She’d loved to ride when she lived in the country and missed her daily outings.
    â€œYou have good taste in horses.”
    Startled, she wheeled around. Armond stood watching her. “I thought you were driving the carriage,” she said. “I mean, I assumed . . .”
    â€œSo did Penmore and your stepbrother,” he countered with a half smile. “My driver is well equipped to show off my animals to their best advantage. I saw no reason to accompany two men whose company fast frays upon my nerves.”
    â€œOh,” she said. Oh, like an idiot who couldn’t string an intelligent sentence together. But what could she say? Nothing about last night. And now that the fog that seemed to cloud her brain when Lord Wulf was in smelling distance had cleared, at least somewhat, Rosalind realized she shouldn’t be caught alone in his company. Franklin would be angry.
    â€œDon’t let me keep you from your duties,” she said. “I’ll be fine here alone.”
    â€œAre you afraid?”
    He sauntered toward her and leaned against the stall next to the mare. A fine chestnut stallion arched his head over the gate and nuzzled Armond’s neck. Rosalind had the strangest urge to do the same.
    â€œTo be alone with me?” he specified.
    â€œShould I be?” she challenged.
    His smile was devilish. He sobered a moment later. “I mean here. Where a woman died.”
    A sudden chill seemed to penetrate the air. Rosalind shivered. “Where did you find her?”
    Armond nodded toward the end

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