Zak Turner - A Twist In Time

Free Zak Turner - A Twist In Time by Noel Pogson

Book: Zak Turner - A Twist In Time by Noel Pogson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Noel Pogson
get into the upper room.
    We need to find out what that incantation is Zak; I want to be able to get into that room again!
    Me too, but I’ve no idea where to start looking.
    I think Lofthouse Castle library would probably be quite a good place to start.  I’m sure any books in Mhonarr library with the incantation will have been hidden away!
    “Okay, each year group has its own floor in the tower, so this is effectively your space.  There are four rooms on each floor, so that leaves a spare one for you guys.  It’s been set up as a small study-come-common room for you so that you have somewhere quiet to do your homework.  It sometimes gets a bit crowded in the other study rooms downstairs, but my suggestion is that you spend as much time as possible with the rest of the house.  Don’t hide away up here as it’s very counterproductive.”
    “Right, Niall, Ross, Ganvard, you three are sharing this room.  It’s my old dorm, which I left at the end of last year.  Your trunks are already here so time to get everything transferred to your cupboards.  Ben, Agenor and Meissa, you’re in here, as are your trunks.  Alfie and Harry, you two already know each other so we’ve kept you together, and the same with Tallion and Zak.  You four are in here.  Get yourselves squared away, and then come down to the common room in about thirty minutes where you’ll get chance to say hi to everyone.”
    The ten boys all nodded and moved into their rooms as David turned and headed back through the shortcut which would take him to his own floor.
    There was about ten seconds of awkward silence as the four boys located their trunks and went over to their own beds.  Then, before he even opened his trunk Alfie looked across at Tallion and walked towards him with his hand outstretched.
    “Hi Tallion.  Alfie Harwood, third son, and only magical son, of Sir Jackson Harwood of Rotherfield.”
    Tallion grinned and shook Alfie’s hand as he replied.
    “Hi Alfie.  Tallion Middleham, eldest son of Sir Philip Middleham, eighteenth Baronet Middleham of Netherdale.”
    It was clear that Tallion had trumped Alfie’s attempt at being the senior aristocrat, but Alfie just grinned as he nodded his head at his roommate.  Zak had walked over next to Tallion as the two aristocrats exchanged greetings, and now stuck out his hand to introduce himself.
    “Hi Alfie.  Zak Turner, eldest son of John Turner of Lower Nettleton, but he doesn’t have a title!”
    As always when people shook hands with Zak, especially young people, Alfie fell headlong into Zak’s amethyst eyes, and found himself racing through a selection of memories about his family and home.  After a few seconds, Zak realised what was happening and turned away, breaking the accidental mind reading.  Alfie found himself dizzily back in the dorm, and was only still standing because Zak was firmly holding onto his hand.
    “Hi Zak, pleased to meet you,” he said in a slightly dazed sounding voice, “and I’m glad you don’t have a title, they’re a bit annoying really!”
    After he took a couple of deep breaths, Alfie turned to the other boy and beckoned him over.
    “Come on Harry, I told you not everyone would be as stuffy as me!”
    Harry walked over, rather shyly it seemed, and stuck out his hand to Tallion.
    “Hi Tallion.  Harry Beech, only son of Thomas Beech of Shepherds Green.” 
    He then shook Zak’s hand too and even though Zak tried not to do it, he couldn’t stop himself looking into Harry’s eyes because they were a rather startling silver grey!  The result was inevitable, and he got a quick look into Harry’s mind, which was occupied with thoughts of the school, and the new experiences he’d been through that day.
    Alfie was watching, and saw Zak turn away from Harry before his friend shook his head and re-joined them in the room, obviously having experienced the same dizziness that he had.  He didn’t say anything, but suspected that Zak could probably

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