Stolen (The Madame X School of Sex)

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Book: Stolen (The Madame X School of Sex) by Jinx Jamison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jinx Jamison
what’s the worst that could happen?”
* * * * *
“I’m not sure about this new slogan.” Andre Lavin rubbed his hands roughly over his face, trying to erase months of stress. He was so tired he almost felt intoxicated but seeing his dream come to life was worth a thousand sleepless nights. “ Living the Lavin Life . It sounds like a rip-off of a cheesy pop song.”
James Lawson, owner of Mirage Advertising Agency, patted him reassuringly on the shoulder. “Wait until you see the presentation. The campaign we’ve generated is youthful and high energy. It’s exactly what you need for a launch into the American market.“
“I hope so.” He’d already seen presentations for two alternate slogans and they were no closer to capturing the essence of what he was about than the current one. As much as he liked the Mirage Agency, if they couldn’t deliver what he needed he would have to go elsewhere. Firing his agents wouldn’t be fun but he hadn’t reached this point in his career by being soft. He did what had to be done even when it wasn’t easy.
As the eldest son of Nicolas and Stefania Lavin, he really didn’t have to work. He and his younger brother Philippe were considered two of the most eligible bachelors in Europe. This was due in part to the considerable inherited wealth left to them by their late father, a French financier, as well as the impeccable bloodline bestowed on them by their mother, a direct descendent of the now deposed Italian royal family.
There were so many who’d thought the pampered son of an aristocratic family didn’t have the fortitude to run a successful business. Some were still waiting for him to fail. If Andre had his way, they were in for a long wait. He’d waited his entire career to launch his international campaign. He wouldn’t see it derailed for any reason.
Not even friendships.
“I have the production figures. We’re in good shape.” Jason Gautier, his business partner and best friend, appeared at his left side. His blond hair was cut into a short, spiky do, more for ease and comfort than style. His friend had been accused more than once of having a calculator for a brain and a cash register for a heart. Success was his life’s blood. It was one of the things they had in common.
“Fantastic. Do we still have that conference call with the bank this afternoon?”
“Actually, there was a mix-up. We’re supposed to be on that call in about ten minutes.” At his glower, Jason shrugged apologetically and crossed his arms. “Don’t shoot the messenger. How do you want to handle this?”
“Gentlemen, I think I have a solution.” Law waved over his assistant, a stunning Eastern European woman with short, dark hair. He whispered something in her ear and she turned and sashayed off.
Law glanced at his watch. “We don’t have anything major booked for next week so if you’re planning to stay in town through the weekend, we could reschedule.”
“We were planning to fly back to Milan tonight…” Andre trailed off as they left the conference room and Cassandra entered his line of vision. His cock filled as if happy to see her again. He cursed softly and turned away, giving himself time to calm down.
It was like this whenever she was around. His reaction made him feel like a lecher, especially since from a distance she resembled a fairy child more so than a grown woman. But she was one hell of a woman.
Ever since he’d first seen her three months ago, he’d battled this borderline obsession. He knew her every expression, the way she tilted her head when listening or pursed her lips when she didn’t agree with something. Her skin was very pale and coupled with her curly, dark hair, was incredibly striking. She was delicately built, petite with slim hips, but he knew from their conversations she was no pushover. She might look fragile but she had a backbone of steel.
Then to see her today on her knees before him, Dio . It’d be weeks before he could look at her

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