Bound Guardian Angel
brow lifted defensively, it was obvious Micah and Trace had no
doubt blasphemed her name to hell and back, and she didn’t need to
go mind-probe to prove it.
    “Do you mind?” Cordray lifted her hands to
her sides, catching the rain as she tilted her face skyward and
squinted. “Getting wet here.”
    Sam stepped aside and waved her in, but
those green eyes never faltered and held Cordray with an air of
wary contempt. “Why are you here?” she said after shutting the door
and relocking it.
    Cordray glanced around the entryway that led
into an impressive open floorplan. Dining room, kitchen, and living
room all shared one massive, elegantly appointed space, separated
only by changes in flooring and furniture. The windows were covered
by blinds, as well as cream and gold opaque curtains.
    “Nice home.” Cordray took off her dripping
leather coat and held it out to Sam.
    “Hang it up yourself.” Sam huffed with
exasperation and walked away from her into the kitchen, then
stopped and looked back at her. “Well? Are you coming? The mud
room’s back here.”
    With a catty smile, Cordray followed her
into a wide room with an eight-foot rack dotted with heavy-duty
hooks on one wall. A low shelf held two pairs of boots and a pair
of gym shoes. Sam gestured impatiently toward one of the hooks,
spun on her bare foot, and walked out.
    “I can see why Micah likes you,” she said
after hanging her coat and joining Sam in the kitchen.
    Sam regarded her with a perturbed
expression. “Why’s that?”
    Cordray plopped down on one of the
barstools. Water sloshed under her ass. Her hair and pants were
soaked, but if she could make a quick in and out with her bounty,
she could handle it. “Because you’ve got moxie.”
    “Moxie?” Sam crossed her arms and leaned
against the opposite counter, next to the fridge.
    Cordray nodded and spun herself around on
the rotating seat of the stool as if it were a merry-go-round.
“Uh-huh. Moxie. Woman balls.” She grabbed the edge of the counter
to stop spinning, her gaze trained on Sam.
    “Something you seem to know a lot about.”
Sam sucked her teeth, flashed her green peepers with a bob of her
deceptively delicate eyebrows, and turned for the stove. “I’ll ask
again. Why are you here, Cordray?” She grabbed the teapot and
carried it to the sink.
    “Micah didn’t tell you?”
    “Should he have?” Sam switched on the faucet
and began filling the pot.
    Cordray drummed her fingers on the granite
counter. “Oh, I don’t know. I suppose the fact he took Trace
without my permission and could get arrested for that might have
slipped his mind.” She had no intention of turning Micah over to
her brother for what he’d done, but Sam didn’t need to know
    Sam slammed the metal teapot back on the
stove and spun around, hands on her hips so that her robe parted to
show off a patch of perfect, unblemished skin below her neck. “If
you’re here to arrest Micah, you’ll have to go through me. I won’t
let you touch him or Trace.” Sam wagged her finger at her.
“Trace needs Micah right now. He was in bad shape when Micah
brought him home, and—”
    “Ooooooo, you are feisty, aren’t you?
I like that in a woman.” Cordray let her gaze rake Sam up and down
as she smiled and tilted her head suggestively to the side.
    Cordray had been known to take females to
bed as much as males, and Sam was exactly her type. Tall, blonde,
and all spitfire. Might as well show Sam a little appreciation
while she was here.
    Sam sucked in a quick breath, swayed
backward, and frowned as she secured her robe more tightly around
    “Don’t worry, honey,” Cordray said with a
coy grin. “I don’t bite.” She winked as her gaze took a little
vacay down Sam’s toned calves. “Although . . . for
you, I might make an exception.”
    “Excuse me?”
    She winked then spun herself around again as
she flashed a catty smile. “Just get Trace for me, and I’ll be out
of your

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