Leaving Tracks

Free Leaving Tracks by Victoria Escobar

Book: Leaving Tracks by Victoria Escobar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Escobar
I hadn’t expected her slim body and hard abs to be an instant turn on. It took a moment to snap a leash on the unexpected lust, and I kept my eyes down until I was sure I had it under control.
    I swallowed nervously before raising my eyes to meet hers. I hoped, none of it showed. I didn’t want to scare her, or for her to think I was some crazy, horny boy not really serious about skating.
    I didn’t think she’d want that kind of relationship with me anyway. She’d never given me any reason to believe she was attracted. At least I didn’t think she was attracted. What I felt didn’t necessarily have to be reciprocated though it was always nice if it was. I didn’t really know her well enough to even make a judgment call on it. For now, I’d ignore it and deal with the task at hand.
    “I didn’t know how you take your coffee,” I said when I realize she just stood and waited for some comment. She probably thought I pitied her, or worse, judged her. “So I didn’t pour it.”
    She didn’t frown, but whatever tension had been in her eased. I saw her shoulders relax. “Just black.”
    “I brought over your new dishes too. If you’d like I can make these ones vanish to never be seen again.” I told her as I poured the cup and handed it to her.
    “I would love that,” Hadley said as she took the cup and blew before gulping, “but I’d have to check to see if that’s okay first.” She studied the pretty matte white mug with the cheerful poppy inside. “You made this?” She moved closer to me to study the plates I was putting away. The outside matched the cup but the inside of all the plates and bowls were a different color and they were octagon shaped instead of round. There were no hard lines to it so the octagon was soft and somehow delicate. It was cheerful and very simply elegant too. It reminded me of her. Blank on the outside but vibrant on the inside.
    “Yeah. I brought you a serving set of six in case you have your sisters and guest over. I also brought a serving platter and a pair of serving bowls. They go with the set. I thought they suited you. If you don’t like them I have others.”
“I love them. They’re beautiful. Do you go to college for ceramics?” Hadley sipped her coffee again.
    I paused slightly stunned a moment. I could, couldn’t I? And it was something I loved to do. I studied a plate before putting it away. I would, I decided. It would certainly please Thierry. “I haven’t thought about it.”
    “You should. I think, just fr om what I’ve seen, you’d be great.” Hadley guzzled the rest of her coffee and set the cup in the sink. “Come on, let’s get started. Where’s your music?”
    I handed her a CD case. “It’s there. Both short and free as you requested. And I have these.” I handed her the papers I brought along. “I figured you’d probably want them.”
    She studied the papers I handed her as we climbed down the stairs into the rink space. I’d taken several of the skills tests already. My basics were done and I was halfway through my free skate tests.
    I knew my membership was valid and I was associated with the club in Fergus Falls to the north. That wasn’t surprising as Wheaton didn’t have a registered club–I knew Hadley had been associated with Alexandria’s club until her move to Georgia.
    I was skilled, but not as skilled as she had probably hoped. No matter. She would let me know what she thought when this was over.
    “Well.” Hadley smiled and I didn’t like the way it looked even though it seemed innocent enough . “Paper is good,” she said, “but let’s see what you can really do.” She tip toed up and kissed my cheek lightly. “Good luck.”

    I sat cross -legged on the judge’s table with my clipboard and a very sharp pencil. The pencil was being tapped idly against the pressed fibrous board. He wasn’t what I expected.
    I had worn the shorts on purpose to see his reaction. I wouldn’t be cold in the

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