Seduction's Call

Free Seduction's Call by dakota trace

Book: Seduction's Call by dakota trace Read Free Book Online
Authors: dakota trace
see her eyes. “I’ll have to see what I can do. Anything else?”
    “You’re going to need to gag me, Sir.” Her eyes brightened with unshed tears.
    He wanted nothing more than to gather her up in his arms. “I told you before your cry will not hurt me.”
    “You just said one of your hard limits is that this be temporary. If you don’t gag me, this will turn into a permanent pairing.”
    He stilled, trying to absorb what she was attempting to tell him. “Excuse me?”  
    She focused so intently on a spot over his shoulder, he was tempted to turn and see what she was staring at.
    “ Braelyn ?”
    “It’s a safe guard, Flannery. I can’t promise to keep my mating song under control if what you’ve promised is true. I barely kept it under control the last time. It’s better to gag me than take the chance. If you use a ball gag on me, you’ll still be able to hear me, but I won’t be able to form the words of the song. Or we can use hand signals instead of safe words.”
    He stared at her. “Your banshee song can mate us?”
    Her eyes met his. “Yes, Sir— or so I’ve been told.”
    “And if I want to risk it?” Horror filled him when he realized what he’d just said. What the hell was wrong with him? He had never even thought of taking a mate, especially after watching his mother waste away from denying her bond with his father. He’d decided as a teen he’d never allow his little head to think for his big head. And all it’s taken is one little banshee to shake that belief. Fuck I shouldn’t do this… But it was like arguing with a force of nature— his body simply didn’t care.
    Shaking her head gave him a sad smile. “But I don’t want to. My luck being what it is, Sir, I’ll end up mating a man who sees this as temporary scene. I’d rather be gagged than take the risk.”
    He nodded. “Alright, I’ll do it since you feel that strongly about it. Give me just a moment.” Moving towards the cedar chest resting at the foot of his bed, he opened the lid, pawing through the various toys, restraints and other devices he used during a scene. He finally found an unopened ball gag.
    Rising, he removed the outer package as he entered his adjoined bathroom. Rinsing it out in the sink, he tried to keep his mind blank. He was afraid to think too deeply about his resentment of having anything between his luscious banshee’s cries and him. After drying his hands on the hand towel, he carried the clean toy back into the bedroom. He could feel her gaze as he approached the bed.
    Sitting down on its edge, he had to ask one more time. “Are you sure?”
    She nodded. “It’s for the best, Sir. With me gagged there will be no chance of me inadvertently binding us together. Or of me conceiving a child.”
    He sighed. “All right. Lift your head and open your mouth.” He eased the gag into her mouth. Pressing it gently behind her teeth, he then secured it at the back of her head. After wrapping her hands around a stress ball he kept in his bedside drawer, he picked up the lotion. “If you need me to stop, simply release the stress ball.”
    Opening the bottle, he poured some into his hand. Rubbing it over her beautiful breasts, he explained what was going to happen. “I’m going to use cups on both your front and back.” He tweaked both nipples, smiling when she whimpered. “First I will attach two of the smaller cups to these beauties…” After giving them a firm squeeze, he released them. “Then I’ll have you roll onto your hands and knees, little one. Don’t worry about them falling off however, the suction will be quite strong. Now do you understand what I want?”  
    She gave a vigorous nod.
    “Good.” Reaching for his supplies once more, he took a long match and lit it from the white pillar candle that had been flickering for the past hour. Then using the chopsticks, he retrieved one of the cotton balls from the dish. All it took was a quick flick of his wrist for it to ignite. He

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