Unpredictable Love
to her collarbone, past where her pulse beat wildly, like
a native drum. Worried he’d feel her reaction, she squirmed,
inching back, but kissing him was too sweet. She wanted more.
    He finally released her, and, with uneven
breath, he whispered, “Let me touch you.”
    Her brain screamed no , but her libido screamed yes . She was silent.
    “ We’ve known each other for months. If
we’d been dating instead of corresponding, we’d have made love by
now,” he said, his lips barely touching hers.
    She couldn’t argue with his logic.
    “ Please, let me touch you.”
    “ Okay.”
    His hand was warm on her neck as he slid it
down, stopping first to fuss with the buttons of her blouse. She
quickly unfastened the top three. He smiled at her. “Thanks.” He
explored her shoulder with his palm, his thumb stroking under her
collarbone, as he slid his hand down over her breast.
    He sucked in air as he closed his fingers
around the firm flesh encased in a bra. Snaking his arm around her
side to her back, he flipped open the hooks of her bra and dove
underneath to make skin-to-skin contact. This time, she was the one
who hissed.
    Her breath hitched as fire flew straight to
her core.
    “ You’re beautiful.”
    “ How do you know?”
    “ I can feel it.”
    His thumb toyed with her nipple, flicking it
until it hardened. Then, he pinched it between his first two
fingers. Bandages prevented him lowering his head to taste her. He
cursed, then squeezed.
    A loud “Ahem” from the doorway made the
lovers jump. Jory buttoned up her blouse in a second and a half.
Trent coughed.
    “ Sorry to break this up, kids. But
visiting hours are over.”
    Jory nodded. “Of course.”
    Trent bent his good leg at the knee to hide
his response to their little petting session. “She was just giving
me a shave.”
    “ Of course, she was,” Marie
    “ Look. Feel,” he coaxed.
    Marie bent down to see. “Hmm. Looks pretty
    “ It was her first time.” He rubbed his
    “ The razor’s on the night table,” Jory
    “ I see. Not bad for a beginner. Saves
me having to do it. And it wouldn’t have been nearly as much fun,
either, would it, Staff Sergeant?” Marie put in.
    Trent blushed deep red, making Jory laugh.
She shrugged her denim jacket on and stepped over to the bed.
    “ Good night, Trent. Marie.”
    “ You coming tomorrow?”
    “ I am.”
    “ Night, missy, see you then,” the
nurse tossed over her shoulder as she headed for the
    “ She’s amazing. She does so much. And
she’s always cheerful,” Jory remarked.
    As Trent shifted to regain his former
position in the middle of the bed, a spasm of pain shot across his
face. Jory laid her palm on his cheek, brushed his lips with hers,
and then left.
    When she got home, a plate of dinner was
wrapped and waiting for her. She filled a glass with water and
popped the dish in the microwave. As she sat eating the meatball
casserole, Nan sauntered in.
    “ Have fun?”
    “ Fun? I don’t go there to have
    “ Really?”
    She shot a confused glance at her aunt.
    “ Then how come your bra is unfastened,
chickie?” Nan laughed as she left the room.

Chapter Five
    “ I can’t stay long,” she said as she
walked in. “But let’s at least get through the next
    “ Damn. A quickie?” He wiggled his
    “ Down, Casanova, no. I have an
    “ Tonight?”
    “ Yep. Meeting an editor for
    “ That’s all?”
    “ Jealous?”
    “ Damn right.”
    “ Don’t be. He’s looking for a new
managing editor.”
    “ I see. Where’s the job? Far from
    “ Not too. Let’s get
    After her chapter, she kissed Trent goodbye
and headed for her car. She’d been as disappointed as her Marine
that she couldn’t spend more time. She wanted to continue where
they’d left off, but it wasn’t to be.
    As happy as she was, Jory realized she
needed an escape plan. Trent could get a cornea

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