A Baby for Christmas (Love at The Crossroads)

Free A Baby for Christmas (Love at The Crossroads) by Pat Simmons

Book: A Baby for Christmas (Love at The Crossroads) by Pat Simmons Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pat Simmons
separation status?
    One thing’s for sure. Desiree hadn’t quite figured out how she would proceed if her estranged husband was truly remorseful. “But to forgive him would suggest our marriage meant nothing to him…my love wasn’t worth keeping,” she had confided in Solae once before meeting with him.
    And Solae had listened. Who was she to tell Desiree to hold onto her anger as long as she didn’t sin like the Bible said, or kiss and make up, forgiving seven times seventy as the Bible also said. She was a recovering Hershel-holic.  
    Solae felt sorry for both of them. She squeezed Desiree’s hand. “Are you okay?”
    “I’ll get there….Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” Desiree’s eyes watered as she cleared her throat. Her pain had to be unbearable.
    Jesus, please help her to get through this, Solae prayed.
    Pastor Reed walked into the sanctuary, carrying his Bible and a notepad. He rested them on a small table, more like a portable desk, in front of the pulpit and adjusted the microphone. “Good evening, everyone, and praise the Lord, saints of God. Shall we stand for prayer?”
    Most of the audience got to their feet and bowed their heads as pastor began: “Lord Jesus, we come boldly before Your throne of grace where Your mercy is plentiful. We need You today in our lives. We know Your Word is not politically correct. Your truth will hurt our feelings, shame our lifestyle, and call it as You see it. We thank You for Your forgiveness and blessings without batting an eye…God, You called us out of a world of darkness; help us tonight to follow Your light as we study Your word in Jesus’ name. Amen. You may take your seats.”
    Solae loved to listen to others pray and was a bit disappointed when he concluded. It had such a soothing effect on her spirit. Even Desiree appeared to be more in control as she whipped out her note pad; others pulled out their iPads. Solae actually preferred to jot down the highlights in her Bible’s margin.
    Pastor Reed scanned the auditorium before opening his Bible. “I want us to continue our study of what it takes to live righteously in a wicked world. Let’s go back to Ephesians six. As previously discussed, there’s only one way to dress for God. Just a reminder, this is not about the outer garment. The Bible instructs women to dress modestly, and let me add men, too. I’ll let your own Holy Ghost convict and guide you on that one.”
    Some chuckled, a few “Amens” circulated among them, and Solae heard one or two claps.
    “Jesus is concerned about your spiritual dress. A shield of faith is part of your gear, but have you thought about its purpose? Remember those Galactic shows where the soldiers are advancing toward their enemies and using their shields with great force to push them out of their path? A shield can save your life if you know how to maneuver it. It’s not meant to stay at one position, but to be flexible and to move quickly whenever necessary.”
    Solae broke her concentration to glance at Desiree who seemed to be half-listening and diverting her eyes to where her husband was sitting. Jesus, please mend her hurting heart.
    “Saints, pay attention to this,” Pastor Reed said, causing Solae to sit up straighter. “Your shield of faith is equipped to guard your mind, body, and soul. For example, say the devil aims a dart of cancer at your body; block it with the shield of faith to stand on whatever Word God has given you about your condition. The enemy sneaks up behind you to seduce you. Turn around and resist him with your shield…”
    Pastor gave more illustrations, and then moved on to the helmet of salvation.  “It’s not manmade. It’s sturdy with invisible strength to take the hits. To walk with Jesus, you’ll take hits from scoffers, those committing immoral acts, which include anything from infidelity to homosexuality, backsliders, and the list goes on. Their job is to remove your helmet and injure your mind where you will

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