Far From Broken

Free Far From Broken by J.K. Coi

Book: Far From Broken by J.K. Coi Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.K. Coi
whether she should simply ask and get it out in the open once and for all, when she noticed they were nearing the corner where she had seen the homeless man earlier.
    The guilt and shame she’d felt for turning her back on him returned, and she leaned forward to rap on the wall separating them from the driver. “Stop the carriage.”
    “What is it?” Jasper glanced out the window as they pulled over and slid to a stop near the alley.
    Callie didn’t answer. A feeling of dread settled in her gut as she threw open the door and climbed down onto the street. The old man wasn’t there anymore.
    “Where are you going?”
    Entering the alley where the sun couldn’t penetrate, she pushed aside the chill, aware that Jasper was right behind her. At least he hadn’t tried to stop her. Yet.
    Whatever the reason for the old man’s disappearance from his spot on the street corner, Callie was somehow certain he hadn’t simply gotten up and gone elsewhere. The rank stench of violence was heavy here. A feeling she was altogether too familiar with. Would never forget.
    She saw them then. Two men at the end of the dark lane, standing over the prone body of a third, all of them half hidden by a pile of stacked crates and refuse. Despite the shadows, as Callie narrowed her gaze with her enhanced vision she could see blood dripping from a blade. One of the thugs clutched a worn hat in his hand and dug into it for the coins the old man had painstakingly collected.
    They looked up at her gasp of outrage, mouths twisting into matching sneers.
    “Callie, get back.” Jasper tried to push her behind him, but the men rushed forward quickly and he was forced to step up and meet them.
    “Ye chose the wrong alley fer a little slap an’ tickle, gent.” The taller of the two chuckled as he looked her up and down. The other one leered, his switchblade flicking open and closed as he swung his arm in front of him. Open and closed. The sound drilled into her brain, making her angrier.
    She’d had enough of threats from devils who thought they could hurt others and get away with it, who thought there would be no consequences for their evil deeds.
    “You’re going to pay for what you’ve done,” she promised. A rush of adrenaline flowed through her. Her breathing came out in quick visible clouds as they both laughed. She could see why they thought they had the advantage. After all, the two toughs stood against one man and a mere woman. Armed, while they assumed she and Jasper were not.
    “Listen, we don’t want any trouble.” Jasper stepped in front of her again and held out his hands. “Go on, Callie. Leave, now.”
    She knew he was trying to get them out of here without bloodshed, but she ignored his order to return to the carriage. Was she foolish? Reckless?
    No doubt about it. But rage blocked out rational thought. All she could think about was the poor old man, who hadn’t been able to defend himself, lying there in the dirt. She felt the strength coursing through her blood, giving power to her artificial limbs—and it was about time she stopped thinking of them as a curse and started using the gifts she’d been given for something useful.
    All fine and good, but when one of the men lunged for Jasper and the other darted around toward her, she froze for just a moment. The look in his eyes was all too familiar. She’d seen it before on three other monsters. They had taken such pleasure in breaking her bones, carving her up, making her scream.
    Jasper’s shout penetrated her fear, but the man’s fingers had clasped around her arm in a cruel vise. She pulled back and hit him with her closed fist, hearing the distinct crunch as the bones in his nose gave under her iron knuckles.
    He let go and flew backward. Jasper was right there moving between them and hitting him again before he could straighten. Blood spurted from the man’s nose as he swore and cried out in pain, but he quickly recovered with a furious snarl, and

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