Whetted Appetites

Free Whetted Appetites by Anastacia Kelley

Book: Whetted Appetites by Anastacia Kelley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anastacia Kelley
man and woman.
         Victoria forgot herself.  Forgot where she was.  What was she doing?  Only Dalton’s kiss mattered.  If he could kiss with this much skill, she could only imagine how he would perform in bed.  The mere thought of it made her panties wet with want.  Friday seemed so far away.
         She reluctantly broke the kiss, breathing as fast as Dalton.
         “I didn’t expect that,” Dalton admitted, a little shocked and aroused beyond belief.
         Victoria licked her lips, tasting the remnants of Dalton there.  “Expect a lot more to come.”
         “Just enough to whet my appetite, huh?” he whispered.
         “For now,” she promised.     
    Chapter Six
         Dora smiled as she wrapped her arm around Jake’s chest.  She sighed contently as she looked upon him, sleeping soundly.
         She would never have believed she could ever feel this way about another man again.  She didn’t exactly think she would find that special love again, not after her husband, Jeff, was killed so tragically.  So unexpectedly.
         She couldn’t help but think back to when she received that phone call from the local police department telling her that her husband had been in an accident.  Though she begged and p leaded, they would not tell her anything more over the phone.  She was enraged at the time for their reluctance to inform her thoroughly.  Looking back, she understood why they didn’t.
         Sheriff Blakely knew her relationship with Jeff.  He knew the loved they had shared.  It positively glowed when they were together.
         Sheriff Blakely was certain that she would have fainted or gone into hysterics.  Since she was alone in the house—her children were at the playground—she could have fallen and hit her head and injured herself.
         But the damage wouldn’t have been nearly as gut-wrenching as walking into the hospital, surrounded by disinfectant and despair, and having to identify your husband’s body.
         No.  The damage to her head would have been nothing compared to the ruin in her heart.
         Oh and how hard the children took it.  She grieved for her children as well as for the loss of Jeff.  They were just as disquieted and depressed as she was.  If not more.
         They all looked up to their father.  Especially Dalton.  He wanted to be just like his dad.  Loving, hard working and honest.
         Her heart clenched proudly at the thought of him now.
         Dalton unquestionably did his father proud.  Dora’s smile was bittersweet as a tear slipped onto her cheek.
         Dalton had worked so very arduously to be in the position he was in today.  President of his own company.
         Despite the fact that she hated for Dalton to work jobs at a very young age, she believed it has made him into the self-respecting man he is today.  If she had to go back and do it over again, she would have still let Dalton work.  He was dead set on making it on his own.  She was proud of his responsibility and determination she saw on his young, but saddened face.  He reminded her of his father so much.
         She worked hard as well.  Food stamps and help from the government just wasn’t enough.  Dalton knew all of the jobs she’d held.  All but one.
         Being a maid.  It was one of the toughest jobs.  Hurrying around to their every whim; their every need.  She had to admit she was a great maid, but was still looked down upon.  Not by the husband or even the child.  But the wife?
         She looked at me as if I were trash , Dora mused morosely.  All of that money and she still couldn’t buy a heart.
         Dora struggled to recall her former boss’s name.
         Brandon.  Brinton.  Brantley.  Bradley.
         Dora shot up from the bed.  Bradley!  Yes.  She was sure of it.  Bradley.
         Dora furrowed her brows.  Didn’t Dalton mention going to a bakery

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