A Pair of Jacks (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Book: A Pair of Jacks (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Blaze Ballantine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Blaze Ballantine
Tags: Romance
causing them both to laugh. “When you got hold of a copy of that magazine and brought it home, I thought it was the most seductively forbidden act I’d ever seen in my life. I never dated a woman after that without thinking about a threesome.” He gave a slight grimace. “Thanks, bro.”
    “What are big brothers for?” Jack pointedly looked out the screen door at Marie. “And now we have our own sophisticated Parisian, straight from ménage a trois territory, standing on the porch, pissed as hell at both of us, and you want us to go out there and tell her we both want to fuck her?”
    “Well,” Reno hesitated, “yeah. Basically. We might work on the wording a little, and polish the delivery.”
    “She’d take our heads off.”
    “Maybe not,” Reno insisted. “Come on, Jack. You got to admit she would be a sweet little morsel between us. Ummmm.”
    “And when this is over?”
    Reno sighed, giving an impatient shrug. “She’ll go home. Wherever home is. You know she’s not going to stick around, Jack. She’s been on the move since she was born.”
    To Reno’s surprise, his brother seemed to be giving it some thought. It was a piece of brilliance on his part bringing up the memory of Anna Thompson. He and Jack had spent a teenage summer talking about what it would be like to get in her pants in every conceivable way possible. The two of them had finally digressed to lurid fantasies involving Anna pleasuring them simultaneously, because in those younger days, it had been all about what they wanted. The pair naively assumed if it pleasured them, the woman was bound to enjoy it.
    Reno’s way of thinking had changed since then. He knew without a doubt he and Jack could satisfy Marie Maxwell. She was a woman who needed physical comfort and attention. Hadn’t she shown that by reaching out to both of them already? The woman needed loving like a flower needed sun.
    * * * *
    Marie was lost in thought when Jack and Reno came out to stand on either side of her. They hemmed her tightly between them, standing close enough she could feel their hard bodies down the length of her own. She became immediately aware of the subtle difference in their attitude toward her. It seemed almost as if a new layer of awareness had settled around them, something territorial, male, and vaguely aggressive.
    Reno put his hand on her back, slightly above her hips, his hand massaging her with a lover’s familiarity. Jack put his hand at the back of her neck, gently wrapping his fingers around her throat, kneading the tense muscles with firm strokes of his powerful thumbs.
    Marie jerked back from the two of them so quickly that she stumbled and would have fallen if the rail hadn’t been there to support her. “Okay, stop now.” She put her hands out to ward them off. “I’m still upset with both of you and you’re not going to distract me. What’s going on?”
    “A ménage. Up for it?” Reno arched one eyebrow in challenge. “One time offer only, two for the price of one. Take it, or leave it.”
    Surprised, Marie looked up at Jack and he lowered his face to kiss her, holding her trapped within his grip. Reno’s hand slid over the curve of her butt again, taking intimate license to explore her ass as his brother’s kiss deepened. Reno’s teasing fingers made Marie eagerly open her mouth to Jack. She trembled excitedly with the forbidden thrill of both men touching her. Oh, my God, am I really going to do this?
    Unconsciously, Marie widened her legs to give Reno access to the throbbing core of her femininity. She wished he would breach the barrier of her clothing and put his fingers deep inside her pussy. Instead, he stroked her clit through the layers, putting just enough pressure to make her weak kneed and trembling.
    Jack’s hand left her neck and his fingers found her breasts. Now, she had two pair of hands touching her, playing with her nipples, stroking her clit, and leading her to a dark fantasy filled with

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