All Mye Queen's Men, Chronicles of Love - Volume II

Free All Mye Queen's Men, Chronicles of Love - Volume II by Brenda Stokes Lee

Book: All Mye Queen's Men, Chronicles of Love - Volume II by Brenda Stokes Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Stokes Lee
something in Logic ’ s eyes that she had never seen before- complete disdain for her. And it cut her to the very core of her existence. Suddenly, she was happy that Jade was there. Queen knew that she was going to need quite a few boxes of tissues and her best friend to work out this issue. She held Jade tight and sobbed uncontrollably.
    X was incapable of consoling her and he could only watch as she poured out her tears, fears and her heart to Jade. Still he knew that later that night he would have his chance to hold and comfort her as only her man could. After all these months he was finally the only man for that job. And he planned to comfort her over and over again until she was thoroughly convinced that he was worthy of his position on the throne of her heart.
    That night an extremely anxious X awaited his Queen in his study. The scent of a couple dozen jasmine aroma candles permeated the candlelit room, champagne chilled and soft smooth jazz infused the atmosphere with love. And yes this time X had condoms. Even though she was in the next room he decided to seal the deal with a phone call.
    Jade answered. “ Yeah, is something wrong? ”
    “ Hi Jade, no everything is okay. Is Queen asleep? ”
    “ No she ’ s right here. Where are you? ”
    “ I ’ m in my study. Can I talk to her please? ”
    “ About what? ”
    “ Jade, please put her on the phone. I just need to talk to her. ”
    “ Who is it Jade? ” Queen asked.
    “ It ’ s X. ”
    “ X? Give me the phone. ”
    Jade reluctantly gave Queen the phone. She knew that X was making an in house booty call. In retrospect it was his house and apparently it was now his booty as well. But Jade wasn ’ t sure if Queen was emotionally ready for a little bump and grind.
    Queen had been lying in bed crying and depressed all day. She was a real certifiable hot ass mess. Her hair was all over her head. Her eyes were puffy and swollen and frankly she could use a shower.
    “ Here, I think he ’ s lonely and wants some company. ” Jade responded as she handed Queen the phone.
    “ Hey what ’ s going on? ”
    “ I miss you Mye Queen. Can you come and talk to me? ”
    “ X, I ’ m a real basket case right now. ”
    “ I know but, I just want to hold you. ”
    Queen smiled, “ Hold me huh? Baby I haven ’ t even showered. ”
    “ Good, meet me in the bathroom in five minutes and I ’ ll wash your back. ”
    Queen did not respond.
    “ Okay? Queen, please? ” X pleaded.
    “ I ’ ll see you in few. ”
    Jade figured that it was pointless to stop Queen. So, she pretended to be busy watching TV when Queen got up to go to X.
    “ I ’ ll be back. I ’ m going to go take a shower. ” Queen announced.
    Jade reserved comment. She understood how Queen processed hurt and pain and she knew that X ’ s brand of comfort was exactly what Queen desired and needed to let her know that everything would one day be okay.
    Queen entered the hall bathroom to find X waiting for her with a steamy hot shower running. He gently brushed her hair from her face and kissed her on her forehead. She hugged his waist and clung to him as if he was the last lifeboat launched from the Titanic. He held her close and whispered in her ear. “ I ’ ll take care of you Mye Queen. I promise you ’ ll be okay. ”
    Queen looked up at him and found herself instantly lost in his crystal blue eyes. His words and his sultry voice soothed her. For the first time since Logic left she actually felt that she was capable of surviving this disaster that she had created. She decided to trust X to help her to navigate through the carnage that had become her life.  
    Without a word she slipped out of the T-shirt that she had been wearing and slipped into the glass shower. The water from the hot shower ran over her head and concealed the tears of a clown who had just loss the love of her life. As she shampooed her hair she closed her eyes and contemplated the remaining two splendiferous men who

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