sharp gaze on her, she was reminded of a hawk soaring above unchartered
"She doesn’t look
cursed to me. I can see her."
She trusted the wizard
knew his master well. As if to confirm her guess, Xandor's features shifted to
convey peace and reassurance while he took a step toward his sovereign.
"The curse has been
"And might I ask who
achieved that feat?"
The icy undertone in his
voice caused her to shudder. In spite of her apprehension, she was about to
answer him when he called out to the guards standing by the door. Her heart
lurched when the four men took position on both sides of her protector and King
Harfayn pointed a finger at Kylor.
"Arrest him!
The ruler of Palance faced
Xandor. His anger palpable, he glared at his advisor as he would an enemy.
"It is one thing to
counsel me, wizard. It is quite another for you to overstep those boundaries.
Am I wrong in assuming your son is the tortfeasor?"
"No, Your
Unable to decide if the
king would indeed arrest Kylor, she watched him shift his eyes from father to
"Are you both aware
of the penalty for such an offense?"
"We are, Sire."
They replied in unison.
Instead of softening the monarch, their harmony appeared to irritate him even
more. His expression couldn't have been more biting when he spoke.
"Yet, you
deliberately took on that responsibility without informing me. You defied my
orders and betrayed my trust."
Xandor raised his palms.
"Forgive me, Your Highness, but I thought it safer if the matter was
concluded in complete secrecy."
Anger wasn't an adequate
term to qualify the sovereign's ever increasing fury, but wrath would have been
more like it. Spit flew out of his mouth as he shouted at his advisor.
"I am not a peasant,
wizard. I am your king!"
The sorcerer looked down
at his toes. Trying to shut her mind from the ruler's enraged declarations and
to focus on understanding the situation, she observed the whole scene intently.
Kylor was being arrested
because he broke the curse. Xandor, the man who saved her life, was being
scolded for his wisdom and efficiency. The more she listened, the less she thought
of the king of Palance.
He didn’t sound sensible
to her. Not in the least. Folding her arms across her chest, she confronted him.
"Release Kylor."
The monarch swiveled his
head toward her like a dog after a bone. Then he inhaled loudly to bark in her
"Silence! I shan’t
tolerate any more disobedience."
His haughty manners and
nonsensical orders were taking a heavy toll on her patience. She’d never seen
that man in her life and he didn’t mean anything to her. Only Kylor did. Right
now, he was being arrested.
"I don’t have to
obey you. I'm not from Palance. I'm not one of your subjects and my sole
allegiance is to my mother."
She heard the wizard’s
sharp intake of breath as she spoke her defiant words. Speechless for an
instant, King Harfayn stared at her, cheeks flushed. Too late she understood that
she might have gone too far.
"Heed my words,
child, for I shan’t speak them twice. You owe me everything. Willingly or not,
you will obey me."
"Why would I do
His unflinching gaze
riveted to hers, arms rigid along his sides, he took a step toward her.
"Because I am your
It was her turn to remain
speechless. Was he delirious? Was he lying to her? What would be his purpose in
doing so? His statement didn't make any sense, but neither did Xandor's and
Kylor's lengthening silence.
She hesitated. Could it
be true? As she looked at the king’s infuriated but direct stare, she realized
he was telling her the truth. She was his daughter, his flesh-and-blood
"My father?"
Compared to his icy and
authoritative tone, her voice sounded all of a sudden frail and uncertain.
"Why haven’t I been
told? Am I a disgrace to you?"
She also must have looked
distressed and a little scared because his anger seemed to abate.
"Nay, my child. However,
now is not