Blind to Men

Free Blind to Men by Chris Lange

Book: Blind to Men by Chris Lange Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Lange
sturdy walls, the obscurity outside paled in comparison to the darkness
    "Xandor, do you live
in the castle?"
    Already on the move, the
wizard halted his advance to glance back at her with a slight frown.
    "I have to, I'm the
king’s personal wizard. Hush now, we might encounter guards on the way."
    They did, but thanks to
his intimate knowledge of the place and customs, they reached his apartments
without being seen. Once safe, she felt like she was about to burst with
    "What’s a
    "A man who rules
over a particular territory. In the Four Kingdoms, His Highness King Harfayn is
master of Palance and its lands."
    "Does he know about
me and the curse?"
    "He does."
    Although the wizard spoke
of his ruler with an air of deference, he took a deep breath.
    "He was already king
when you were a baby."
    She wondered what kind of
man this monarch was. He'd been aware of her situation at the time, yet he
hadn’t done much to help her.
    "So why didn’t he
stop the witch? Surely, he must have been able to do something."
    "He couldn’t. Try to
understand, Anya. By the time Melisande uttered her prediction, it was too late
to do anything. People believed her."
    Xandor shook his head,
lips tight, without acknowledging the fact that she crossed her arms over her
    "They had been
struck by fear, and fear is a most powerful weapon. I think even King Harfayn
accepted the prediction. You can't blame him for his actions, he's only a
    What kind of feeble
excuse was this? Regardless of the king's lack of response at the time, a
recent discussion stayed clear in her mind.
    "Kylor told me you
didn’t hold faith in the prediction. How come you didn’t try to fight the
    "I was young back
then, and no match for a woman with such powers. I'm much stronger today and
she's older."
    That she could
understand. Yet she held Xandor's gaze while her mind returned to the master of
    "Has the king
searched for me?"
    "He appointed me
head of the inquest. As you can imagine, I easily led him astray over the
    So, the wizard had
provided protection for her mother and her while lying to his ruler. Their
relationship was confusing at best.
    "Don't you trust him?"
    "That's a delicate
question, Anya. I trust him but disclosing your whereabouts would have been
unwise and pointless. On any account, we had to wait eighteen years. Now, the
time is right."
    "What are the king's
    "I've no idea."
    She may not be certain of
the wizard's commitment when the prediction was foretold, but she believed he kept
the king in the dark all those years. Somehow, she didn't want to meet this
ruler. A man who didn't fight for the life of a newborn didn't deserve
forgiveness. Heedless of her train of thought, Xandor shrugged before resuming
his story.
    "We've talked a lot
about you, the prediction, and the eventuality of breaking the curse. I'm sure
he's come to share my views on the matter. King Harfayn is a sensible man but
it's not my place to point out his errors. I'm his personal advisor, I don't
order him around."
    "Do you think he'll—"
    A loud knock on the door
cut her short and a man barged in before any of them could move. His rich, long
garment enveloped him from the shoulders down to his shoes. Of medium height
and stocky build, gray hair thinning, he might have appeared rather plain if
not for his eyes taking in the three people present. That icy gaze was razor-sharp.
    Unannounced, he strode in
the room as if he owned it. She just stood there, taken aback by the unexpected
entrance, and observed the distinguished stranger. Kylor and Xandor instantly
bowed, hands on their hearts.
    "Your Majesty."
    "What is the meaning
of this private gathering, Xandor? Why have I not been informed your son was
    She didn't make a move
but studied the haughty features matching the coldness of his tone.
    "And who is this
    "Her name is Anya,
Your Highness. She's the cursed child."
    As King Harfayn turned

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