The Legend of Alexandros: Belen

Free The Legend of Alexandros: Belen by Mr. A. C. Hernandez

Book: The Legend of Alexandros: Belen by Mr. A. C. Hernandez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mr. A. C. Hernandez
seemed as if the mist had what looked to be filled with haunting demons, crawling and slithering up all around him as if reaching to rip his soul from his body. The phantom demons hissed, snarled, and clawed at his flesh until the mist finally consumed Tobias and drained the life right out of him. His body sank into itself and began to become brittle until all that was left were skeletal bones, which fell hard to the ground. Those who looked on were paralyzed with fear and despair—they knew Barbarious would kill them all.
    “Barbarious, stop this at once!” cried Princess Elora.
    Barbarious glared at her with his hollow eyes.
    “My dear Elora, you have survived? How shocking, since you could barely think without the help of others in the castle. But I must make my message at clear as possible.”
    Barbarious lifted his death-like hand toward the Princess Elora; he made a snapping fist and broke her legs. The Princess’ screams pierced the ears of all as she began to fall. But before she hit the ground, Alexandros hurled forward and caught her, placing her gentling on the cavern floor. Pure anger in his eyes, Alexandros leaped toward Barbarious with a powerful thundering kick to the chest that sent the dark wizard crashing to the ground. Barbarious smashed to the ground, then looked up, he then rose to his feet in a ghostly manner with one hand holding his chest—no man had ever been able to hurt or physically touch Barbarious for nearly two hundred years. As Barbarious began to raise his other hand, Alexandros snarled at the dark wizard and with his sword Alexandros hacked off the hand of the Dark Wizard. An unholy scream escaped the mouth of Barbarious as black ooze spilled out of his wound.
    Barbarious used every curse spell he had known on Alexandros but none seemed to even harm the young warrior. Raged filled the wizard as he stood in the center of the cavern howling in an unholy manner. Suddenly Alistair stepped forward channeling all the magics within himself, the ground around him lit up with a golden light the seemed to be abosorbed through his feet traveling up his body and escaping through his hands. He blasted the dark wizard with more power than Barbarious ever thought possible, sending the evil wizard back to wherever he came from.
    Winston slowly made his way to Elora and gently picked her up.
    “My friend, the danger is over. I shall remove you from here,” Winston whispered to Elora as tears fell from his purple eyes. Elora wrapped her arms around his neck, and Winston cradled her in his arms as they left the cavern.
    Alexandros, Bixbin, and Alistair gently lifted Ralphael out of the cavern. While outside everyone stood in despair. The centaur king was dead, their prince was cursed, and Barbarious was still alive. Bixbin stood next to Raphael he whispered to him “centaur prince we will find a way to fix you…” But the words at this point did not go through to Raphael; all he felt was the pain of the curse.
    Alexandros stared at the great wizard as a bright light began to transform Alistair from the old haggard merchant to the wizard he truly was. Alistair’s hair changed from messy grey to a straight golden blonde; his eyes turned bright green. He was lean and almost as tall as Alexandros himself; his skin was fair, and he was incredibly handsome.
    “My boy, you must have a million and one questions for me at this moment,” Alistair said in a mystical tone. “But at this time we must help the centaur prince. This curse is meant to drive the poor centaur crazy, and in some point in time…it will kill him. His only cure lives with the elves across the sea.”
    Alexandros closed his eyes and gently rubbed his forehead. “Very well, my friend…let us visit the elves.”



    T he waves crashed hard against the massive old wooden cargo ship. The sky was grey, and the air was damp. It had been raining for about two days, which was how long Alexandros,

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