Edge of Sanity: An Edge Novel

Free Edge of Sanity: An Edge Novel by Shannon K. Butcher

Book: Edge of Sanity: An Edge Novel by Shannon K. Butcher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shannon K. Butcher
find a way to get back to him before he wakes up.”
    “No. I’m not going to abandon him. The one man left alive is also unconscious, with some kind of tranquilizer, I think. There’s no way to know who will wake up first or what will happen when they do.”
    “Then restrain them.”
    “I already have.”
    “You can’t stay. Whoever is behind this clearly knows where you are. You must leave.”
    “I’m not strong enough to move Clay, and I’m not leaving him here to be killed—not when I was the one to render him helpless.”
    She could hear the sound of a car engine revving in the background. “I’ll be there soon to take care of everything. Then you can go home. I never should have involved you.”
    Leigh wanted to let him take over and make it all go away, but she couldn’t bring herself to leave. “This is my one chance at finding a way to help Garrett. If that man in the kitchen knows anything, I want to find out what it is.”
    “Men who break into houses in the middle of the night are not usually inclined to give up information easily. And I know you don’t have the stomach for torture.”
    A few years ago, he would have been right. “You have no idea how far I’ll go to see Garrett free and well.”
    Payton was quiet for a minute. “Fine. Search the men and see what you can find. I’ll head your way and be there in a few hours. Call me for any reason, and if you think you’re in danger at all, I want you to leave.”
    “Of course I’m in danger. I knew I would be when you told me what was at stake.”
    “I never thought Clay would attack you. I’m so sorry, Leigh.”
    “Part of me expected it. After seeing how it was with Hollis and Garrett . . .”
    “I’m still sorry.”
    “It’s fine.” What a huge lie that was. “Get here soon. I’m going to see what I can turn up.”
    “Be careful. They know where you are. More men may come.”
    “I know. I’ll be armed.”
    And because she was no idiot, she filled another syringe and got it ready. There was no way she was sleeping any more tonight—not with those men in the house. It was best to just get dressed and do whatever she could to fix this as soon as possible.
    With her clothes back on and her revolver sitting within reach, she went to the men in the kitchen and went through their pockets. No ID. No money. They both had a phone, but there were no numbers or messages on them [sag the—as if they’d just been purchased.
    Or maybe they had simply deleted the information. If so, then it might still be there, lurking where some computer goddess like Mira could find it.
    Mira. Of course.
    It was still before dawn, but this couldn’t wait. Leigh knew how Mira felt about Clay and that she wouldn’t hold too much of a grudge for being woken up at such a crazy hour.
    Mira answered, her voice thick with fatigue. “Leigh?”
    “Sorry to wake you, but it’s important.”
    “I wasn’t sleeping. What do you need?”
    “You have access to Clay’s phone records, right?”
    “Sure. Why?”
    “Is there some kind of GPS thing you can track?”
    “Can you look back and see where he’s been recently?”
    “What’s this all about?”
    “I need you to stop asking questions. I don’t know how safe it is to talk on the phone.”
    Mira suddenly sounded more alert. “What is going on, Leigh?”
    “I need a list of everywhere Clay has been. Can you do that?”
    “How far back do you need me to go?”
    “At least a few weeks. Longer if you can.”
    “Okay, but that’s a lot of data. You’re not going to be able to make sense out of it unless I pretty it up for you.”
    “Then do it.”
    “Is Clay okay? Can I talk to him?”
    Leigh eyed Clay’s slumped form. “He’s sleeping, but fine.” At least physically.
    “I’ll get you what you need. Where should I send it?”
    “E-mail me.”
    “Are you sure everything is okay?”
    Leigh desperately wanted to confide in Mira—to tell her how horrible it was to be

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