Destroying the Wrong

Free Destroying the Wrong by Evelyne Stone

Book: Destroying the Wrong by Evelyne Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evelyne Stone
hugged them both before we left. Matt held the car door open for me and I climbed, taking a moment to glance in the mirror one last time.
    “I still don’t think your parents like me very much,” he said once we pulled out of the driveway.
    “Don’t be silly, of course they do.”
    He smirked, not totally believing me. “So, I don’t know who all is going to be at this party but if you’re having a horrible time, we can leave early.”
    “It’s just some kids that graduated last year, right?”
    “Yeah, but you never know who else might show up,” he said, reaching over into my lap and locking my fingers with his.
    We pulled into the driveway of a house twice as big as mine. It was a beautiful, Victorian style house. Cars were lined up around the half circle driveway that surrounded a flower garden.
    “Wow,” I said, feeling terrified by the number of parked vehicles.
    “I know. Jason’s family has owned this house for over a hundred years.”
    I opened my door and stepped out, feeling intimidated. I heard screaming and the splash of pool water. Matt threw my bag over his shoulder and held out his hand. We only took a few steps before someone was running out of the front door towards us. I didn’t recognize him.
    “My man, great to see you,” Matt said, giving a half hug to the guy. “This is Alissa. Alissa, this is Jason, one of my oldest friends.”
    “Nice to meet you, Jason,” I said, shaking his hand.
    “You, too,” he replied. “Come on in and go grab a beer in the back. Everyone is already in the pool.”
    Matt took my hand and lead me through the enormous entry-way. We walked through an open living room with cathedral ceilings, through double doors and out onto the patio. About fifteen people were already in the pool. A group of three girls were lounging by the pool on towels, soaking up the sun. One of them sat up the moment she spotted us.
    “Matt! So great to see you,” she yelled over the noise of music and people talking.
    Matt waved at her. “That’s Jason’s older sister, Chelle. They’re going to the same college.”
    I held on to Matt’s arm as we made the rounds, saying hello to everyone. I didn’t recognize a single person. We walked to the other side of the pool near Chelle and put our bags down.
    “So, Matt, who’s the girl?” she asked. Her friends looked like they were asleep under their sunglasses.
    “This is Alissa,” he said, sitting down on the edge of the pool, dangling his feet over.
    She smiled at me but didn’t say anything else. I smiled back and sat next to Matt. The water felt cold but fantastic.
    “Should we get it over with?” Matt asked.
    “Get what?” I looked at him for an answer and he smiled while pulling me down into the pool with him. Matt greeted me at the surface, laughing. “I still have my cover on, dork.”
    “Just take it off and throw it by the bag,” he said, pulling me in for a hug. He kissed me and everyone started whistling.
    “Looks like someone’s getting lucky tonight,” Chelle said, getting even more whistles.
    I felt my cheeks heat up as I looked around at all the people watching us. “I’m getting out.”
    “Okay, I’ll get out with you,” Matt replied, seeming unfazed by the attention.
    I pulled myself up onto the side. My terrycloth suit cover was drenched in water. I began pulling it down from the top and stood up to let step out of it. I looked to my side and noticed Chelle was watching me. She smirked as I finished taking it off. I saw her eyes scan over my body, the smirk never leaving her face. I had never felt more self-conscious in my life.
    I quickly grabbed my towel and wrapped it around myself. Matt was standing next to me now, pulling me in for a hug. The last thing I wanted to do right now was give them another affection show.
    “I’m going to go inside and use the restroom. Can you give me directions?” I asked.
    “Through the double doors, to the right. Go down the hallway and it’s your first

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