Enchanted Ecstasy

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Book: Enchanted Ecstasy by Constance O'Banyon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Constance O'Banyon
had disappeared earlier, but he soon joined them with two good-sized rabbits which he gutted and cleaned, then placed over the fire to roast. The aroma of the sizzling meat was almost more than Kane could bear. He spooned some of his beans onto a tin plate and offered it to Maleaha, but she refused it, saying she much preferred the roasted rabbit.
    Kane took a bite of the beans and frowned.
    "Major, I would suggest you wait until the rabbit is done. I am aware that you have eaten nothing since yesterday. I do not relish the thought of nursing you, should you become ill."
    His silver eyes sent out sparks. "I will tolerate no more of your insults, Miss Deveraux." He grabbed her arm and propelled her against him. "I have had to endure your bad temper and your sharp tongue for days now." His grip tightened on her wrist, and Maleaha could feel herself being drawn tightly against his body. She looked around for Salador, but he was nowhere in sight.
    "Release me," she said as fear prickled her spine.
    Kane brought her captured hands up to rest on his chest, and Maleaha's eyes widened as she felt the strength in him. Raising her head, her green eyes collided with his silver eyes, and at that moment she was swept away into the depths of a silver river. Emotions such as she had never experienced came crashing to the surface. She wanted to look away but found she could not. She was aware that he had released her hands, but still she did not move. Swallowing past the lump in her throat, Maleaha felt his hands move caressingly over her back. Tiny shivers danced on her skin where his hands blazed a trail.
    "You little devil, you get inside a man's mind and torment him," Kane said harshly.
    Maleaha's eyes moved down to his lips, and she heard his deep intake of breath. "Please release me," she pleaded. Fear such as she had never known crept into her body. She felt weak and her stomach seemed to be tied up in knots. His hands stopped at her waist, and she felt him apply pressure, bringing her body even tighter against his. Something akin to pain, and yet not pain, wracked her body, and she melted against his hard masculine form. She tried to speak, but no words passed her lips. His handsome face seemed to loom over her and she tried to struggle, but she found she was no match for his superior strength.
    "You are half-child, half-enchantress," he whispered against her ear. Maleaha felt his warm breath as it stirred her hair. Suddenly, she did not want to be free. She did not know what was happening to her, but she felt that it was something she had waited all her life for. It was as if this moment was destined to happen.
    Maleaha laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. This was what it felt like to love a man. She had often wondered what the love between a man and woman would be like and now she knew. It was beautiful, it was painful, but it felt so right. She seemed to fit perfectly in his arms; it was as if God had created them for each other.
    "Did Mangas hold you in his arms like this?" Kane asked harshly.
    It took a few seconds for his words to penetrate Maleaha's mind, and when they did, she raised her head to look into his eyes. "I do not understand," she said in total confusion.
    His grip tightened as he crushed her in his arms. "It does not matter. All that matters is that you are now in my arms. Why should I care who has shared your favors before me. I have never demanded innocence in the women I make love to."
    Maleaha pushed against his arms and stepped back. "I am not sure I understand what you are saying to me," she said, hoping she had not read his meaning correctly.
    "Do not play innocent with me. It does not matter that you are not a virgin. I would not be interested in you if you were." His voice was deep and insulting, and Maleaha felt hurt to the very depths of her being. 'I . . . I . . ."
    "God," he cut in as he pulled her back into his arms. "You act so pure and innocent. If I did not know better, I could

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