Witch of Christmas Past

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Book: Witch of Christmas Past by Kendra Ashe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kendra Ashe
something with the sheriff, and that was even if she hadn’t been brainwashed yet.
    Of course, there was one witch who might know the spell, and she was certainly powerful enough to use it.
    Delia Antson was the director of the Sunnyside Retirement Community, and she was known as the White Witch of Mystique Island. There was a reason for that. Not only was she one of the best witches on the island, she was always neutral.
    As far as I knew, Delia had never been mixed up in any questionable activities, which meant she could probably be trusted.
    I needed someone I could trust if I were going to jump into some portal and travel to the past. It would really suck mud to get on the other side of the portal, and then have some wicked witch shut it.
    No doubt Delia would be at the Tree Lighting, which would make it easy to approach her for help. I decided I would take the letter and let her read it. It would be easier and faster than trying to explain the situation myself.

    Parking was a nightmare. It was getting dark by the time I found a place for Lady Luck. The Mermaid Inn was the closest parking to Founder’s Park.
    Although there was a crowd gathered, I was expecting a much larger turnout. By my estimation, there seemed to be about thirty percent fewer people than last year. That could mean there was a flu bug going around, but I figured it was far more likely due to my uncle’s brainwashing radio program. They were probably all at home baking Christmas cookies.
    The one thing I could be thankful for was that so far no one seemed to be physically hurt, except for the dead and buried, of course. Besides, a little Holly Homemaker brainwashing might actually be a good thing for my sister, but I wasn’t so sure about the idea of her dating Malcolm Skeet.
    Not only was Skeet several years older than Annabelle, but he also had stinky feet. That man could fumigate everything within a ten-mile radius when he took off his shoes. My sister wouldn’t put of with that for long.
    Who was I kidding?
    The Annabelle I knew would never go out with Skeet in the first place.
    Dorothy Bell highjacked me as I was locking Lady Luck’s doors.
    “Oh thank goodness! Could you take one of these boxes?” she asked, thrusting a box full of instant hot cocoa at me.
    As president of the historical society and director of the Shipwreck Point Lighthouse, Dorothy had her hands into everything. She was so busy; I figured she was busier than me most of the time.
    Dorothy was an older woman, with a somewhat large frame, but she never failed to dazzle.
    Dressed in a green elf costume, not only did she look festive, but cute too. I don’t think I’d ever seen Dorothy Bell look so adorable.
    “Well you’re looking quite lovely tonight, Miss Izzy,” she said, as she continued ambling down the sidewalk toward Founder’s Park.
    “You don’t look so bad yourself.”
    “Oh, this old thing. I decided to give Marcy a break. She’s usually the elf. But good news! We have Santa lighting the tree tonight.”
    “Who’s going to be Santa?” I asked.
    “Councilman Breakfield. You know he’s been the acting mayor since that unfortunate business with Mayor Christensen.”
    I nodded. “I’m sure he’ll make a great Santa too.”
    By unfortunate business, she meant Mayor Christensen’s death at the hands of Missy Rogers, AKA, the ugly sea monster.
    “I hear Breakfield is planning to run for mayor during the regular election in November,” I said as I shifted the awkward box so it was easier to carry.
    “He is.” Dorothy nodded. “He’s been doing a fine job since he took over. I think he has a chance.”
    I didn’t disagree with her. Breakfield seemed like a nice guy, but I had a distrust of the city and county government since I’d discovered they were in cahoots with Zane Dupree.
    I had to admit; they’d been right. The Misty Haven Resort turned out to be a good thing for Mystique Island. Tourism had been picking up steadily since

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