Unbreakable Love

Free Unbreakable Love by Angela Carling

Book: Unbreakable Love by Angela Carling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Carling
he’d questioned his orders. He’d always trusted his supervisor and never even asked why some had to die and others lived. So why now? He knew he couldn’t change the orders, but he began to wonder what would happen if he disobeyed. Could he save Jennie’s parents?
    He was shivering again. It must be the fever, he reasoned. That must be why his thoughts were so rebellious and disjointed. He needed to sleep off these crazy ideas. Drowsiness began to roll over him like a thick fog, blanketing him until he could no longer resist. Sensing it was time for another nap, Sebastian joined him, curling up near his head this time. Just before Nate surrendered to sleep, the raw uncensored truth surfaced in the form a question in his mind… Why this family? I love Jennie too much to see her suffer. And then, mercifully, sleep came.

Chapter 15
    It took Jennie three days to decide to go and see Nate. Her mother stopped by Nate’s house every day with a small meal and something to ease his discomfort. One day it was soaking salts to take away the itch. Another day she arrived with an armful of movies to keep him busy. Finally, on the third day, Cathy asked Jennie to take Nate dinner. Cautiously, Jennie consented.
    It had only been five days since she and Nate had been together at the dance, but it felt like much longer. She’d gone round and round in her mind, analyzing and re-analyzing her thoughts and feelings. After five agonizing days, she came to one conclusion: she didn’t want to lose Nate’s friendship. He had woven himself into her life and she needed him. Yes, she still had lots of unanswered questions, but one thing she knew without a doubt was that Nate would never intentionally hurt her. In fact, she doubted Nate would ever hurt anyone. He was kind to everyone no matter what their social status or even how they treated him. She would be patient and maybe someday she would have answers; until then she would remain his friend. The hardest part would be remembering not to touch him or look into his eyes for too long, but she could handle that, right?
    Jennie corralled her thoughts like she had a hundred times in the last few days and gathered up the food her mother had prepared. She only hoped Nate wasn’t angry about her staying away for so long. After a quick drive, she was standing on his doorstep ringing the bell. Inside she could hear weary feet shuffling across the floor. When Nate opened the door, Jennie was shocked. His normally golden skin was pale and he was covered from head to toe with red spots. Some of the spots had already begun to scab over while others were just emerging. His hair was unkempt and matted on one side and his blue eyes were sunken.
    “You look awful,” she blurted out.
    Nate’s fever was gone and he felt much better, but he imagined to Jennie he must have looked like the living dead. Suddenly conscious of his appearance, he ran a hand through his unruly hair, trying to make himself more presentable.
    “I’m trying out a new look,” he said, hoping to replace the look of shock with a smile. Then he followed up with, “I was expecting your mom.” His attempt to lighten the mood worked.
    “I guess I know you’re not trying to impress my Mom,” Jennie said.
    This got a small laugh out of Nate, but he soon retreated to the couch, unable to stand for very long. Sebastian appeared out of nowhere and settled in protectively near his feet while glaring at Jennie. Jennie followed Nate and crouched down near Sebastian. After she scratched him him behind the ears for a minute, Sebastian let down his guard and began to purr loudly.
    “Traitor,” Nate grumbled at Sebastian as he rebundled himself in the blankets.
    Jennie smiled. She was glad to see that his sense of humor was intact. She held up a large paper sack filled with food.
    “I brought us dinner,” she stated as she walked to the table and began to take out delicious smelling containers covered with tinfoil.
    “My mom makes the

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