2#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance

Free 2#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance by Charlene Hartnady

Book: 2#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance by Charlene Hartnady Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlene Hartnady
when we do rut again, know that it is going to be
all about you. I won’t give in to such selfish fantasies.”
would love to see this big warrior lose it between her twins. Just the images
his fantasy evoked had her feeling hot and bothered.
female.” He growled, his nostrils flaring.
    Oopsie .
Becky suddenly realized that she was rolling her nipples between her fingers.
It was with great effort that she forced herself to let go.
licked his lips and took a step towards her. “You were afraid that you would
hurt me, and I have assured you that it is impossible. I would like to rut you
now. Take off those pants.” He looked thoughtful for a few seconds. “I will
lick you first. Suck on your little nub until—”
much as I would love for you to lick me, there is something I need to clear up
first.” She took a deep breath. “When I said I would hurt you, I wasn’t talking
about physically. You non-humans form lasting bonds.”
nodded. “Yes, we do.”
am not capable of forming a lasting bond. I will hurt you, Ross. I am happy
that you want to spend the night. I really am very turned on right now.” It was
her turn to lick her lips as she admired his thick biceps and broad, strong
shoulders. “But, only if we both agree not to become attached. Sex is one
thing…a relationship is another entirely. Some of the things you said earlier
make it sound like you want more than just hot sex.”
we just take it one day at a time? Tonight can be about pleasure. You can
decide if you want to see me again or not. New moon is days away so no chance
of us mating by accident or anything.” He threw her a lopsided smile that did
strange things to her insides. “Let me stay, please. We both want this.”
was the problem. She wanted him a little too much. Rushe, dropping her despite
her insisting that it was a one night thing had possibly left her feeling a
little vulnerable. That had to be it. This was nothing more than rebound
feelings and she would keep telling herself that until she damn well believed
fall in love with me after tonight.” She squeezed her eyes shut for a second,
feeling like a full of herself drama queen. “It’s just”—she giggled—“who
wouldn’t after having all of this.” She laughed at her own silly joke while
gesturing up and down her curvy body.
didn’t react as expected, he growled and advanced. For a moment she wanted to
turn and run. In this moment, he made her feel a little too much like food. “I
am going to fuck you now, little Becky…you might want to call the neighbors.”
He picked her up. “Warn them so that they don’t think you’re being murdered.”
channel flooded as her adrenaline coursed.
nuzzled into her neck as he moved to the bed. “You will scream very loudly, but
I will not harm you in any way. Call your neighbors.” He put her down on the
bed by the side table. Her landline phone was on there.
nodded. Oh god …he really planned on making her scream that loud, that
long and that hard that he felt she had to inform the neighbors. Becky
swallowed thickly. “Jessica”—she gestured to the left—“is on holiday. Mr.
Woodrock”—she gestured to the right—“is deaf. The woman that lives upstairs
hates me, so she will probably make popcorn and laugh hysterically while she
thinks I’m dying. The guy that lives below me has already left for his
nodded. “So we’re good?”
shrugged. “I guess.”
grabbed her pants at the ankles and pulled them off in one fast easy motion
that caused her to fall back on the bed with her ass over the edge. He tossed
the garment aside and pulled his own shirt over his head.
big vampire growled as his eyes dropped between her legs. For the first time in
her life, she felt self-conscience under his intense scrutiny. His hand inched
forward until it cupped her mound.

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