Red Hot Letters to My Husband

Free Red Hot Letters to My Husband by Kendra Stair

Book: Red Hot Letters to My Husband by Kendra Stair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kendra Stair
it’s over.”
    “Me too.”
    He took me home, rubbing his hand along my good arm the entire journey home as if to reassure himself I was okay.  All was quiet in the house.  Mum and Dad had taken the kids.
    Tom settled me on the couch.
    “I was going to give you this on the weekend but I think now is the ideal time.”
    He presented an old Tom and Jerry video.
    I smiled.  The first present Tom had given me was a Tom and Jerry video.  He’d told me, “you’re my Jerry .  You run rings around me.”  Given our names, it had been a standing joke.
    “I found it in the second hand shop.  We don’t have this one.”  He leant over and gave me a kiss, careful not to jostle my arm.
    “There is no Tom without Jerry, just as there is no me without you.  I love you, Sherry.”
    I smiled.  “I love you too.”

Chapter Eleven
    Sixteenth Wedding Anniversary
    Dear Sherry
    This year it’s my turn to write letters to you.
    Over the last year, I have fallen in love with you all over again.
    I love the warmth I feel when I’m near you.
    I love the softness I feel when I wrap you in my arms.  It’s like coming home.
    Making love to you is like finding the other half to myself.  You fit me.
    I want to bring you the pleasure that you bring me.
    Accompanying this letter is a length of black rope.  Take it out, touch it, stroke it.  Tonight it will be stroking your skin.  I’m going to tie you up so that you know you belong to me.
    The image of black rope against your creamy skin is making me hard.  Luscious creamy skin that I’m going to lick all over.
    When I tie you up, I’m going to make a special knot to go over your clit so that every quiver in response to my licks will help rub your pussy into even greater excitement.
    By the time I’m finished you’ll be hot and swollen and aching.  I’m going to fill that ache with my cock.  I’ll thrust my cock inside you and your pussy will eagerly suck me inside and clasp me in a grip that’s tight and wet and welcoming. Then I’m going to fuck you until we both come.
    You are my one and only.
    Love Tom

    Evernight Publishing

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