Into a Dark Realm

Free Into a Dark Realm by Raymond E. Feist

Book: Into a Dark Realm by Raymond E. Feist Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raymond E. Feist
you I would welcome death, but I would certainly be glad to be free of my burdens.” He fixed Nakor with a narrow gaze. “I thought I was until you appeared that night.”
    “We need you,” said the Isalani.
    “My King needs me,” said Erik.
    “The world needs you,” said Nakor, lowering his voice so that those nearby would not overhear. “You are the only man of rank in the Kingdom Pug still trusts.”
    Erik nodded. “I understand why he chose to separate himself from the Crown.” He took another drink of wine, and handed theempty cup to his squire. When the lad made to fill it again, Erik waved him away. “But did he have to embarrass the royal personage of the Prince of Krondor in doing so? Publicly? In front of the Army of Great Kesh?”
    “Old business, Erik.”
    “I wish it were so,” said Erik. He lowered his voice further. “You will know this if you don’t already. Prince Robert has been recalled.”
    “This is bad,” said Nakor, nodding.
    “We’ve had three princes in Krondor since I gained rank, and I am only duke because King Ryan took Lord James with him to Rillanon. My temporary position has lasted nine years, and if I live long enough, will probably last another nine.”
    “Why was Robert recalled?”
    “You have a better chance of uncovering the truth than me,” said Erik. After a long moment of silence during which he watched the evening sky darken, the Duke said, “Politics. Robert was never a popular man with the Congress of Lords. Lord James is a western noble, which rankles with many of those who wished to be first among the King’s advisers; James is a shrewd man, almost as shrewd as his grandfather.” He glanced at Nakor. “There was a name to conjure with, Lord James of Krondor.”
    Nakor grinned. “Jimmy was a handful before he became a duke. I know.” He glanced up at the soldiers who were now ready, waiting for his signal to begin the climb. “Still, we tend to remember the greatness and forget the flaws; and Jimmy made his share of mistakes. If Robert will not serve, then who?”
    “There are other cousins to the King more able…” He looked at Nakor and his expression was sad. “It may come to civil war if the King’s not careful. He’s directly descended from King Borric, but he has no sons of his own, and there are many cousins, most of them with a valid claim to the throne if he does not produce an heir.”
    Nakor shrugged. “I’ve lived a long time, Erik. I’ve seen kings come and go in different lands. The nation will survive.”
    “But at what price, old friend?”
    “Who is to be the new Prince of Krondor?”
    “That is the question, isn’t it?” said the Duke, standing up and signaling to his men to make ready. The sky was sufficiently dark: it was time to begin the assault on the keep. “Prince Edward is well liked, intelligent, a good soldier, and someone who could forge consensus in the Congress.”
    “So the King will name someone else,” said Nakor with a chuckle as Erik started forward along the draw.
    Erik said nothing, but gestured once and two men hurried out from behind rocks below the keep, both with loops of cord around their shoulders. They started to climb the rock face, using only their hands and feet.
    Nakor watched closely as the two men disappeared into the gloom above. They moved silently like spiders crawling up a wall. Nakor knew how dangerous it was to make that ascent, but he also knew that it was the only way to get a rope down for the soldiers below.
    Turning to Nakor, Erik said, “I’m thinking Prince Henry will get the nod, for he can be easily enough replaced if Queen Anne bears a boy. If Edward sits in Krondor for any length of time, the King may not be able to replace him with a son in…a…few years…” His voice trailed off as he watched the men reach the lip of the pool.
    Nakor said, “Odd place for a bolt-hole, over a hundred feet aboveground, isn’t it?”
    “I imagine the Nighthawks did some work

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