Villiers Touch

Free Villiers Touch by Brian Garfield

Book: Villiers Touch by Brian Garfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brian Garfield
shut, indifferent to the surroundings, looking at the girl with desire.
    The typewriter was on a small desk by the window. On the sill were dozens of teen-age girls’ novels, pointedly displayed, all by the same author: Naomi Kemp.
    Villiers said, trying to put some show of interest in his voice, “What are you working on?”
    â€œA simpering book about a prissy nurse. As if you gave a shit. Really, Mace, you could have picked a better time of day to come charging in.”
    â€œI’m on my way downtown.”
    â€œAnd that explains the whole thing? You just dropped in on your way to Wall Street for a quick bang?”
    â€œThat’s right,” he said, without humor.
    â€œYou’re a one-of-a-kind original, Mace. Don’t you know there’s a speed limit in this town?”
    â€œIf the idea doesn’t appeal to you,” he said, and turned to the door.
    â€œYou’re pitching low and inside,” she complained, and then blurted, “Come back here. You know you turn me into cream pudding. Can’t I be sore for a minute first? I haven’t seen you in months. Not even a postcard.”
    â€œI’ve never sent a postcard in my life.” But then he smiled at her. “What would you want with a postcard from a man who was too far away to stick it in you?”
    â€œYou’ve got a foul mouth,” she said. “No shit.”
    He peeled back his cuff to look at his wrist. “I haven’t got a lot of time.”
    â€œYou motherfucking bastard,” Naomi said, and stripped off her dress. He could see dark fluff in the translucent crotch of her nylon panties. She wore no stockings. She unfastened her brassiere, leering at him, doing a stripper’s bumps and grinds; she rubbed her back where the bra straps had welted her. He watched unblinking, savoring the milky full richness of her breasts. They were warm, red-brown-tipped; her body was the kind boys conjured up in adolescent masturbatory fantasies. Her breasts were so engorged, so thrustingly assertive, that it was never possible to look at her or think of her without focusing on them. Naked, she kept her arms wide of those proud organs, as if they were swollen to the point of tender soreness.
    The bed, made up for the day with divan throw pillows, waited against the wall. He came to her beside it. She surged her warm breast up full into his palm, meeting his eyes with a sensual smile and quickened breath; she unzipped his fly and put her hand in. He clutched her breast and slid his left hand up her naked back to her neck, and pulled her forward for a kiss. Her lips were moist and parted; she sucked his tongue in her mouth. Her hand caressed his huge muscle-rippled shaft, thick and hard with pumping blood.
    She drew back from his kiss and whispered, “You bastard, haven’t you even got time to take your clothes off? Never mind the window—let the voyeurs watch if that’s how they get their jollies. At least take your Goddamn pants off.”
    She undid his belt buckle and the fly fastener of his trousers, and laughed at him when they fell down around his ankles. He kicked them away, shrugged out of his suit jacket, and pushed her down on the bed. He came down upon her, his fierce mouth on hers. Her arms came around him; her tongue probed him, her hands glided over his buttocks. He bent his head to suckle her soft white breasts. His rigid hot phallus brushed her thighs and found her ready moistness and thrust into her, lunging. She clung to him furiously, sweat-slick and arching herself ecstatically. He plunged and twisted, a hungry strong animal, mauling her around the narrow bed. As her flesh beneath him began its anguished tumultuous throes of completion, he was thinking of tomorrow night, his dinner date with Diane Hastings. Then his own excitement quickened, and he spurted himself into her. A shuddering sigh, and she clutched him tight, her eyes closed, her fingernails sharp

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