Teflon Mafia

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Book: Teflon Mafia by Alicia Howard, Drusilla Mars Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alicia Howard, Drusilla Mars
Tags: Mystery & Crime
questioned. The next step is to open another location and hire some help.” Ms. Anna explained to Tiffany that Teflon Mafia needed to expand their brand. She was always good with cleaning money up. Tiffany hadn’t realized they were at that level to expand as much as they talk about not having enough money.
    “I trust you know what you’re doing so go for it.” Tiffany said getting in the tub hoping a hot bath would make her feel better. She was still secretly mad with Messiah for not coming clean about his history with Mallory. Normally Tiffany wouldn’t have anything to worry about and now it felt like she had everything to worry about with this Mallory and Messiah situation. She needed to get herself in order before she proceeded. She didn’t need her emotions to be in the way, but she would find out the truth. Tiffany’s gut was telling her that something was off about this job from day one and she couldn’t put her fingers on it.
    If Mallory thought she was going to come raise hell between her and Messiah she was mistaken. Tiffany saved the bitch an expiration date for after she knocked Binx off. Ms. Anna closed the bathroom door and sat on the toilet. She knew Tiffany like the back of her hand to know the blank stare on her face.   “What’s the matter?” Ms. Anna asked. Tiffany washed her body and shook her head no, but Ms. Anna knew different. “Chile, don’t lie to me. I don’t like liars and you know that.” She said with a stern face.
    “Nothing I’m fine.” Tiffany replied. Ms. Anna snatched the towel from her back then lathered it up and got down on her knees beside the tub and began to wash Tiffany’s back.  
    “You know I can tell when something is wrong with the two of you,” Ms. Anna started. “You and Messiah are on two different pages right now. I see that and I don’t even lay in the same bed witcha and I’mma tell you this- Talk about it.” Ms. Anna advised.
    Tiffany hated that Ms. Anna was so good at reading people especially Tiffany she tried to wear a hard shell, Ms. Anna had the gift of breakthrough.
    “It’s nothing.” Tiffany said.
    “Hush up; a mind like yours right now is the devil’s playground.” Ms. Anna said. “Talk to his ass and say what you feel.” She gave Tiffany the towel back, and then got up from the floor to dry her hands.
    “Thank you Ms. Anna.” Tiffany said sitting back in the tub. Ms. Anna left the bathroom.
    Messiah let Ms. Anna out, and then went in the bathroom. He peeped her attitude, but he didn’t act on it because his head needed to stay focused on the money.
      “You won’t believe this shit Love,” Messiah started. Tiffany sat back up in the tub at attention.
    “What?” She asked.
    “This bitch Mallory and Binx are together!” He said, and Tiffany’s eyes grew in shock. She walked up on them talking in the end so she didn’t know if Messiah had been telling the truth or lying.
    “What? Together?” Tiffany asked.
    “You heard me right.” Messiah said. “She say he been abusing her and shit and then he takes her to different hospitals so the staff won’t grow suspicious. She didn’t think we would get rid of him if she told us it was a domestic situation. I told her that I would have to cancel the job, but…” Messiah’s voice trailed off because he now felt guilty for when he put his hands on Mallory.
    “But what?” Tiffany asked.
    “Since she’s already given us the money and we came this far why not finish?” Messiah said thinking quickly.
    “Right.” Tiffany said, and then let the water out of the tub. “We are going to definitely get this nigga by tomorrow baby.” She said standing to get out.
    “I’m calling his ass back tonight; we are going to chill out no if’s ands or buts about it.”
    “You think you got it like that huh, Love?” Messiah asked rubbing one of her plump cheeks then smacking it for good

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