collapsed back into the couch.
“Jack, what’s happened? This can‘t be ri ght, for God’s sake!”
S he stood up and paced the room.
“Shit! Jack, your research.”
She ran to the downstairs lab and muddled through his desk and files. She found his manuscript.
“It has new pages, a lot of new pages…Christ, Jack.”
As she opened the book, she thought back to when he first told her about it…
Jack had first created his theory decades ago. However, it wasn’t until March of the first year they met , when Jack shared his work with Rachel. They became so intimate so fast; he trusted her with all of it. She had stopped by Jack’s lab, to find him puttering with a microscope, and writing feverishly.
“Hi, Hon; it’s 7:30 p.m. I thought you would have hit me up for dinner by now.
“Hi Babe… I was going to. Just give me a minute.”
“Wacha doin?” She said with a flirty smirk. “Something I can help you with doctor , hmm?”
Jack smiled, looked up and squinted.
“Yes, you can tell me what you think. But; and I mean this; only if you’re willing to be serious. Then, I promise, dinner and whatever you want.”
“Hmm, sounds like I’ll pull out the chap’s n ha t for you, Baby…Woo-hoo, cowboy!”
They grinned at each other. Then, Rachel changed her tone.
“Fine, what is it?”
“Something I’ve had on my mind, since I was a boy, really. It’s the reason I got into medicine. We all have our pets, and this is mine. I would like you to know about it; see what you really think.”
“Okay; but why the mystery?”
“I’m just possessive about it and haven’t shared this with anyone.”
“In that case; I am flattered , Darlin.”
Jack took a breath. “Okay, well; you know how we all talked in college about the Universe and life. You remember those days?”
“Yes, of course I do. My first real love was Ben Verona. He was so macho and smart, philosophically speaking. He knew all the theories of the time , about the Universe; oh my; but, BEN VERONA; just his name; I mean, NO, sorry.”
Jack giggled. “Al l right; just listen to me. When I’m done; then, you can do what you do.”
He couldn’t help rolling his eyes.
“I’ve been playing with my pet on a regular basis all these years, you know.
“Very funny…”
“My notion has always been that the human personality is a single chemical cocktail, derived from the ‘some total’ of impulses triggered, and shared by the various areas of the brain.”
Rachel made a quirky look. She cocked her head and tweaked one eye.
“Impressive if I wanted psycho babble.”
“Rachel, be serious; if you want me to tell you this.”
“Fine, I’m with you. Our personality is one great chemical cocktail.”
“Yes; I am trying to summarize, Honey. This sum total of memories, our personality, is stored as a chemical cocktail in our brain. Any inkling can be recalled at anytime by the mind, at any instant; just like a computer stores a primary operating system, for example, and then calls upon it to run a program. Our separate traits are some programs, and the demands our cells make, reactions to stimuli, are other programs. As these demands are satisfied, they are learned and stored as genetic information; but in the end, they are stored as chemistry, understand.”
“If that’s true, then I’m a glass containing one hell of a mixed drink.” Rachel giggled.
“Yes sort of, but where is it? And what’s the drink? Are you a screwdriver or bloody Mary? They taste very different. Listen Rach; I think I can define which drink you are, and extract the mix, so to speak. Then, I can move the mix to a different glass.”
“Okay Dr. Bartender Frankenstein, ooh.” Rachel composed herself, and then said, “Jack; Honey, are you serious about this; I mean…?”
“Listen to me,” he insisted. “The brain is a mechanism that does nothing more than send and receive electrical or chemical impulses. Whether it’s a body
Nancy Holder, Debbie Viguié