I bandi
, p. 133). The proliferation of notices of this kind was to be a characteristic of the RSI.
105 Here I can recall the case of Colonel Giovanni Duca. Commander of the camp of the Military academy of Modena, on 8 September 1943, the best he managed to do was disband the units, though these were in the Modenese Apennines that were to become an epicentre of the partisan struggle. Then Colonel Duca, in another region of the North, participated in the Resistance and was captured, tortured and killed by the SS; one of his sons died in Mauthausen (see Gorrieri,
La Repubblica di Montefiorino
, pp. 24–6).
106 One of the very few sociological research projects devoted to the Resistance makes this process rigid by defining as full-fledged ‘innovators’ only those who opted for the Resistance in the first months (by 31 December, to be precise). All the others are placed in the categories of ‘primi adottanti’ (‘first adopters’), ‘prima maggioranza’ (‘first majority’), ‘ultima maggioranza’ (‘last majority’) and ‘marginali’, according to the scheme devised by E. M. Rogers (see Ardigò,
L’insorgenza partigiana
, esp. pp. 88–9). For a criticism of this scheme see G. Quazza, ‘Fra sociologia e storia: una ricerca sulla Resistenza’, in
Rivista di storia contemporanea
X (1981), pp. 619–25.
107 See Del Noce,
La tragedia del’8 settembre
. It is a fine example of how political factiousness can blunt the sharpest of minds. However, the author who inspires Del Noce on that page is Curzio Malaparte.
108 Conversation with Vittorio Foa (1985). ‘Obedience to destiny’ is from G. W. F. Hegel’s
Philosophische Propädeutik
. ‘It becomes what you are’ is a maxim of Goethe’s. In 1976 Foa was to write: ‘In Fascism, Rossi and Bauer taught us that one needed to be capable of choosing without counting the years ahead; in the Resistance, Leo Valiani and Ferruccio Parri taught us that one needed to fight even if the destiny of the war and of Fascism were in any case marked by the military events, one needed to fight if one wanted the future not to be a continuity with the past, but a break with it.’ V. Foa, ‘Ernesto Rossi’, in
Per una storia del movimento operaio
, pp. 231–2.
109 This is what Claudio Magris wrote of General Vlasov in
Illazione su una sciabola
, Bari: Cariplo-Laterza, n.d.
110 Battaglia,
Un uomo
, p. 47.
111 Ardigò,
L’insorgenza partigiana
, p. 23.
112 Artom,
, p. 122 (13 December 1943).
113 Inverni (V. Foa),
I partiti
, pp. 11–12 (cf. p. 59).
L’Italia Libera
, Roman edition, 11 September 1943 (note the early date), article entitled ‘L’Europa libera’.
115 Mautino,
Guerra di popolo
, p. 20. Enzo Collotti, in the Preface, underlines the ‘naturezza’ (‘naturalness’) of Mautino’s choice, its ‘elementary’ and ‘just’ but not ‘easy’ ‘simplicity’: a form, that is, ‘of moral indemnity towards oneself and towards others’ (p. 6).
116 See Bianco,
Guerra partigiana
, p. 12.
117 ‘But tell me, sir, how then is it that Italy does not rebel?’ Turati himself recounts the episode, connected with the request by the Fascist government for him to be extradited for the Savona trial, in a letter to Bianca Pittoni of 28 August 1928. See F. Turati,
Lettere dall’esilio
, ed. B. Pittoni, Milan: Pan, 1968, p. 182.
118 ‘We are defeated men. Don’t expect anything from us. You have to start everything again from scratch (G. Amendola’s conversation with the author).
119 This is the title of an editorial in
Libérer et Fédérer
, February–March 1943, from which also the quotations that follow are taken.
1 H. M. Enzenberger, ‘Sulla teoria del tradimento’, in
Menabò di letteratura
, 1964, vol. 7, p. 15 (original title ‘Uber die Theorie des Hochverrats’).
2 Brissot’s words used in the text are quoted by J.-P. Sartre,
Search for a Method
, New York: Vintage, 1968, p. 41.
3 See, for example, the entries