Awakening: A Timeless Series Novel, Book Four

Free Awakening: A Timeless Series Novel, Book Four by Lisa Wiedmeier

Book: Awakening: A Timeless Series Novel, Book Four by Lisa Wiedmeier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Wiedmeier
moment , waiting for my reply.
    “Nothing, just normal everyday stuff.” Except the vision I’d had the other day…
    He raised a brow. “You’ve never had normal everyday stuff, Cheyenne.”
    I rolled my eyes.
    “Does something happen before it shoots from your palms?” He went back to his pacing.
    I decided to focus in on what I knew for sure, not the unknown.
    “My hands begin to tingle , and my palms get a bright blue hue to them.”
    He stopped again, but this time his eyes were distant, like he was focusing in on a memory. He headed for the door.
    “Stay here until I come back,” he said and nearly ran Daniel over as he passed him. “Stay away from her, Daniel.”
    Daniel stopped outside the doorway . His brow puckered and then his eyes saddened. I turned away.
    “ Chey,” Daniel implored.
    “Listen to Dex, Daniel, and stay away from me.”
    I peeked over my shoulder. Daniel was slowly walking away. Every time I saw him, he looked more and more fearful. I’d caught Bree and Nakari’s worried stares. They wanted to help him, but were unsure what they could do. His ever-present smile had disappeared. Even his touch, one that had always brought me peace, now brought me uncertainty, fear, and regret. I already had enough of that myself. I didn’t need to add to the growing pile.
    I opened the stove and added another log. It was getting warmer, but I’d made a poor choice in buildings. This was going to be a long, cold, lonely winter…
    The room darkened , and I glanced back to see Colt standing in the doorway. I rubbed my hands over the fire again.
    “Dex said you’re to stay away from me, Colt.”
    He moved further in the shed, ducking to miss a beam. He raised his arms and lifted down an old dusty chair from the rafters. He planted it next to the stove and sat beside me.
    “ I’m sorry,” he said quietly.
    I didn’t reply, but instead focused on warming myself.
    “ I shouldn’t have pushed you. And I should’ve believed you when you said it just happened on its own.”
    “You should stay away from me, Colt. I don’t know when or if this will happen again.”
    “ I’m not leaving you ever again. I did it once, and it was the biggest mistake of my life.”
    It was the biggest mistake of his life…he’d delivered me to Marcus. He’d tormented me , and he’d been the one who caused me to find my mother’s journals. None of which could be taken back.
    He reached over and grasped my hand before I had time to react. I pulled back, but he refused to let go.
    “Colt, please, I don’t want to hurt you,” I pleaded.
    Determination set in the planes of his face. “You’re not going to hurt me , and I’m not going to fear your powers. You can control this. We’ll work on this together. This is why I’m staying.”
    “What if I can’t? What if I really cause harm?”
    “Those were minor blasts compared to what I’ve seen you do before. Yes , they’d be painful, but survivable.”
    “You don’t have your powers anymore to defend yourself,” I countered.
    “No, but I am Timeless.” He tapped his chest and winked. “Harder to kill. And I’m not as weak as you think I am.”
    A damp blond lock fell into his eye. He wasn’t weak, just not as strong as he had been, and it would hurt him in the end. I needed to figure out a way to get the Consilador’s powers back. And I needed to do it now.
    It couldn’t help but bring my thoughts back to Callon.
    “Have you heard from him?” I asked quietly and twisted my Servak ring on my index finger. I knew Skylar and Clayton were going to search, like he’d said earlier, but I couldn’t help but wonder if he knew anything else.
    My chest tightened, and I lowered my lids. It shouldn’t have been this way. I shouldn’t have broken his heart like I had, but what was I to do when the truth lay before me?
    “Have you been using your powers outside of these outbursts, Cheyenne?”
    Colt and I turned. Dex was standing in the doorway.

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